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Bear with me, this might be long. frown

DD is a 1st grader. She is also a dawdler, and a social butterfly. This I know. Her teacher has mentioned at both of the past two parent teacher conferences that DD is having problems with time management in the classroom, and not finishing certain types of work on time. What I am having a hard time, is trying to figure out if this is truly a time management issue, or more of an "this is too easy, I don't really want to do this" issue. Or a combination of multiple issues. DD also internalizes her feelings, it is very, very rare that she will ever say outright that she does not like to do something.

Example 1: "Number sense". This work happens immediately after the kids arrive in the classroom, and it works on automaticity. I do feel that DD could use some work on her automaticity, and her speed (ex. having to count on her fingers to find the answer to 8+7, instead of knowing the answer right away). However, in all other ways, she is working on higher level math; at home she has mastered borrowing and carrying of 3 digit numbers, and is starting in on multiplication and division word problems. Our enrichment tutor works with her once a week, and feels she is solidly a year ahead in math, except for the fast mental facts. (In Language Arts, she is at least two years ahead.)

I understand the need for her to work on automaticity, but because she hasn't mastered that, she is not allowed to work on any other type of higher level math at school. So she seems to be stuck on this Number Sense, which she has mentioned is "too easy". And since it occurs when the kids first arrive in the morning, she is slow to starting, and is not finishing the work on a regular basis, and has been stuck on the same level for quite a while (but because that level is apparently still above grade level, her school doesn't seem to care that she is not moving forward on that skill).

Example 2: She recently had a writing project in the class; when she was finished, students were allowed free choice. Her teacher saw her head to free choice, and asked her if she had finished the project. She said no, and went back and finished the story. Her teacher used this as another example of her not finishing her work.

When I asked DD about it, she acknowledged that happened. She wasn't sure if she was done with her story, and wanted to think about it some more. She said she only added one more sentence (of a 3 page story) when her teacher asked her to go back and finish.

It's worth noting that during "Free Choice" time, DD lives in the classroom library. She could eat, breathe, and dream books.

Example 3: DD's school recently introduced choice boards for the gifted students. Her teacher said DD was given the choice board on Feb. 5, with a due date of Feb. 20 for the activities (not sure how that's a choice board, if you have to do all of them, but that's neither here nor there). She has barely started on it. I asked DD yesterday when she is supposed to work on it, she says she doesn't know or understand when to do it. Her teacher says that she explained it to DD, but will explain it again. I'm stuck in the middle, not knowing what to make of it.

I guess I'm just looking for advice on what's really happening. We do plan on working with her on time management skills, but I'm not completely convinced that's the only thing going on here.
Well, wow. She just sounds like a first grader getting used to a classroom, without as much "play," to me. Also, she loves books - which to me gives her a HUGE current and future advantage as a student.

I'm wondering whether perhaps the teacher is confusing giftedness and mature executive function skills. Is the teacher young or inexperienced?
The teacher is not young or inexperienced. The school, however, struggles to meet the needs of kids who are gifted (they refuse to even use the term, preferring "high flyers" instead.

I partially feel like this is being used as an excuse to not meet her at her academic level. We are switching to a different school next year, but don't want this year to be a complete waste.
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