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Posted By: Bostonian Survey of unschoolers - 09/14/14 11:29 PM
Psychology Today has a four-part series on a survey of unschoolers. It is based on a convenience sample, so the generally positive findings cannot be used to prove anything, but it seems to work for some families.
Posted By: indigo Re: Survey of unschoolers - 09/15/14 01:00 AM
Thank you for posting another interesting article.
The participants reported remarkably little difficulty academically in college. Students who had never previously been in a classroom or read a textbook found themselves getting straight A’s and earning honors, both in community college courses and in bachelor’s programs. Apparently, the lack of an imposed curriculum had not deprived them of information or skills needed for college success. Most reported themselves to be at an academic advantage compared with their classmates, because they were not burned out by previous schooling, had learned as unschoolers to be self-directed and self-responsible, perceived it as their own choice to go to college, and were intent on making the most of what the college had to offer. A number of them reported disappointment with the college social scene. They had gone to college hoping to be immersed in an intellectually stimulating environment and, instead, found their fellow students to be more interested in frat parties and drinking.
Emphasis added.
Posted By: gabalyn Re: Survey of unschoolers - 09/15/14 02:12 AM
We are sort of unschoolers. We were pretty much completely unstructured until about fourth grade. Even now, my kids mostly get to pick what they study and how they study it. It works well for us, overall.
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