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Posted By: deacongirl On another note, dd6 and what to do?... - 08/23/13 01:02 PM
Dd6, obviously some kind of gifted, but not in an obvious academic way, more of, let me figure out how to stack stuff up so I can climb on top of the cabinets to get the cookies (at 12 months) kind of way. She has been the opposite of hot-housed (she is the 3rd kid).

Her kindy teacher loved her, she did very well etc. But at school they see a cute, sweet little compliant kid who is always happy and smiling-she is adopted and from Vietnam and is very petite, (and strikingly beautiful IMHO) and I believe that helps (some) adults to see her as younger than she is. Anyway--she does not really show herself to them.

I really just want her to be tested with the WISC, and in an attempt to get the school to do it, filled out the "Request for Acceleration" form. The child study team convened and decided it wasn't indicated, wait for CogAt (Sept. 18th) and go from there.

I am concerned that she may be the type of kid who will not do great on CogAt, but hoping at least she will qualify for 1-day gifted pull-out. (Had her tested on WPPSI at 4 b/c I was losing my mind with her, and her FSIQ was 124--not all that accurate at that age, but I think I am safe to assume that it is 124 at a minimum)

Major melt-downs after school. I think she is exhausted, starving (doesn't eat much at lunch), and, possibly (but I don't know b/c she won't/can't articulate) bored out of her mind.

Teacher sent home sight words they are supposed to know by the end of the year and she already knows almost all of them (I was surprised, it was the first time I ever had her read them for me). I know that isn't remarkable on this forum, but still...

Assistant Principal is great, has gifted certification, and handled older dd's acceleration process very smoothly (with dd12 it was pretty clearly a great choice and everyone strongly agreed). I really like him a lot. AND just now, while I was typing this, we got phone call that he is new principal (old one got promotion)--awesome! But he also mentioned that maturity is an issue with dd6--she can be incredibly silly, esp. when nervous, so that would be something to overcome if acceleration was otherwise indicated.

Sooooo...I don't really know what to do with her, and feel like clearly we just need her tested with a tester who will get her. I have found 2 possibilities but don't have the $. In the meantime dealing with the afternoon meltdowns and hoping she will do well on CogAt.

Oh I can so relate to the re-arranging furniture. The baby proofing we had to do for miss HG+ from 6mth to 2.5yrs, yikes! She also wasn't overly academic but was miserable at school, so I feel your pain. I have no idea what to suggest though as our system is different here... We tested privately and organized a skip despite her not being insanely ahead for age it was 100% what she needed.
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