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Posted By: questions Korean Language - 05/12/08 03:49 PM
I told DS that if he is homeschooled, he still has to study a language. He doesn't like learning a language (still asking why doesn't everyone just learn English). I suggested he learn a language that might come in handy when he becomes a scientist (as that is his goal du jour). He said Korean. I know the big push around here is for the kids to take Mandarin Chinese, but what do you think about Korean? I sort of like the idea, as he is going to taekwondo twice a week in a school that is taught exclusively by Koreans. That's incentive right there, and twice a week practice! I've read good things about Muzzy, but they don't have Korean. I guess we'd use Rosetta Stone. What do you think?
Posted By: Kriston Re: Korean Language - 05/12/08 03:58 PM
If he's into it, it sounds good to me. One of the nice things about homeschooling is that you can go off the beaten path a bit if you want to. And any language that gives him access to native speakers--like Korean, in your case--is going to be better than one that he just learns "on paper."

I say go for it! smile
Posted By: Cathy A Re: Korean Language - 05/12/08 04:10 PM
Korean is bit different from Chinese because Korean "characters" are an alphabet. It's a very interesting language!
Posted By: questions Re: Korean Language - 05/12/08 04:12 PM
I'm thinking that any language with a character alphabet will be fun for a boy who hates writing. And I'd learn it, too, which would be fun.
Posted By: Cathy A Re: Korean Language - 05/12/08 04:15 PM
Well, I like it because it's like a secret code wink

Here's a more detailed description:
Posted By: Kriston Re: Korean Language - 05/12/08 04:17 PM
Oooh! Now I want to learn it! I love both codes and learning foreign languages, so it sounds like great fun to me.
Posted By: Grinity Re: Korean Language - 05/12/08 08:28 PM
Having twice a week access to native speakers is very important. Go for it!
Posted By: LMom Re: Korean Language - 05/12/08 09:54 PM
Go for it. Like Kriston said that's the nice thing about hs, you can do whatever you want. Meeting native speakers twice a week is perfect.
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