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Posted By: CAMom Descartes Cove CTY? - 11/30/11 03:21 AM
Just curious if anyone is using it. I saw the 30% off email from CTY and we are considering it. My DS looked at the movie online and was completely jazzed. How well does it work? Do you like it? Is it comprehensive enough to stand alone or only as enrichment?
Posted By: ColinsMum Re: Descartes Cove CTY? - 11/30/11 09:05 AM
Loved it. It doesn't teach, as such - there's a notebook but really only useful for reminders - so it's intended to be used as enrichment, after the material has been learned basically. However, with parental support it works fine as introduction to the material in our experience - I approve of learning by problem solving anyway. A few reservations:

- there are (only a few, but I was surprised to find any) mathematical mistakes. Most are in the form of miscommunications between the mathematicians and the artists, where the illustration is seriously misleading. E.g. I remember a "how many diameters" question where the illustration suggested the wrong definition of "diameter", and one where the wrong kind of triangle was illustrated, and there are a few more like that. Just be aware. However towards the end of the final adventure (I forget whether it's in Hypatia's Cove or in the Final Quest) there's a question with a frank wrong answer - multiple choice and the right answer isn't there, and the one that gets marked right is wrong! That's a bit frustrating, but it's minor; almost all the questions are fine and right.

- the animation looks dated now; this didn't bother my computer-game-naive DS, but it might bother someone brought up with a normal amount of exposure to 21st century films and video games.

Overall I'd say it's definitely worth the (considerable) price, though: very thought-provoking and lots of fun.
Posted By: ColinsMum Re: Descartes Cove CTY? - 11/30/11 02:15 PM
Really?! Do you remember any examples, master of none? That's so far from our experience that I'm wondering whether we're talking about the same program!
Posted By: polarbear Re: Descartes Cove CTY? - 11/30/11 05:25 PM
CAMom, fwiw, our ds was also very interested in it based on the online movie, we ordered it when it was on sale, ds tried it out once and didn't care for it. I don't know why either! This same ds self-taught himself math via Aleks for several years and loves his accelerated math in middle school.

So - that's my complete non-advice with nothing of merit or worth to even consider, except that not every kid loves it.

Posted By: CAMom Re: Descartes Cove CTY? - 11/30/11 11:07 PM
If either MoN or Polarbear would like to sell your version, PM me!

DS is obsessed with video games but it doesn't have to be fancy. Heck, he loved the free version of Timez Attack! He's also played with a beta of DimensionU some, but the graphics were first-person and hard to follow. They needed some work we thought!

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