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Posted By: cym Knowledge Bowl-fundraiser - 03/08/08 01:24 PM
Our local literacy council holds a knowledge bowl fundraiser each year. Teams from different organizations or businesses pay to enter and compete. This year DH offered to sponsor DS 13 & buddies if they wanted to be a team (there's a high school division) and explained that it's for a good cause.

The boys were a little reluctant, but agreed to do it. The event was last night, and they loved it (and won every round!). Great way to spend a couple hrs on Friday evening. Plus they saw a healthy population of philanthropically-minded citizens who volunteered & participated in the fundraiser. One boy said, "I wanna do this every year!" Isn't that cool. (Remember, my new campaign to infiltrate their subconscious about how "it's cool to be's cool to be smart...")
Posted By: Ania Re: Knowledge Bowl-fundraiser - 03/08/08 04:21 PM
I have never heard about the Knowledge Bowl.
Do you have a link to a site with more info?

Ona a different note, a group of parents at our school is trying to organize a History Fair. I have no idea if my kids would like to contribute, but I like schools where there is lots happening, where there are choices :-)
Posted By: Kriston Re: Knowledge Bowl-fundraiser - 03/08/08 04:32 PM
I so agree, Ania! The more opportunities, the better! smile
Posted By: cym Re: Knowledge Bowl-fundraiser - 03/10/08 02:19 PM
Here's one competition called Knowledge Master Open The one DS participated in was an unofficial, but fun one. Yes, I agree--the contests & competitions are fun!
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