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Posted By: axast5 courses in GA - 02/03/11 05:14 AM
I am new to GAT community. My 6DS got qualified for the program and is constantly craving for more and more and more. I looked up at resources available in GA. 2 of those which appealed to me were: saturday school at UGA and Summer program At Emory Universities.

My question is:
Is it even worth it? Costs 2K.
Any recs?
Posted By: Grinity Re: courses in GA - 02/03/11 12:25 PM
Yes it's worth it. If he's salivating for more, it's worth it. At six they aren't pretending to want more learning. I call it Burn to Learn.

Of course, if you have to stop paying your copays on your Insulin, that's a different matter, ok?
Posted By: Mom0405 Re: courses in GA - 02/03/11 11:44 PM
We live in GA as well. And those are the only ones that I know of. You could try King Chess or Lego JR. Robotics wich he can start at 6yrs old if he's into that. If I can think of more, I'll let you know. What kinds of interests does he have? Check out Fernbank, Tellus Musem, and the High Museum for kid classes.

If you were homeschooling, like us, there are some co-ops with higher level learning classes that your DS could be taking.
Posted By: JJsMom Re: courses in GA - 02/04/11 03:42 PM
Personally, the Fernbank isn't worth the money. DS7 was bored with it. Tellus is great. axast5 - if you have the money, I would go for the UGA &/or Emory programs. For other programs, you may want to try looking at Atlanta Parent Online. They list all types of summer programs by region.

DS7's school does Kid Chess, which is awesome! We are lucky b/c his current school offers a lot of extra programs (like he's also in the Black History Program), which feeds his need to learn new things.

I assume by GAT, you mean Target? Target is a great program, but it doesn't focus necessarily on core academics. DS7 is in 2nd, and he is learning about the heart right now. Last semester it was about criminology.

We are on the lower end of the income bracket, and DS7, I don't think, doesn't qualify for DYS. You may want to look into getting involved with your county or the state gifted association (I give good advice, but I'm horrible about taking it - I am not a member of either - AAACK).

Good luck to you!

Posted By: Mom0405 Re: courses in GA - 02/11/11 07:19 PM
Look what I just found:
Posted By: JJsMom Re: courses in GA - 02/11/11 08:20 PM
Mom0405 - Thanks for the reminder! I wanted to look at some of those offered at KSU!!! Also, there's a summer camp/program extravaganza going on in Cobb in March for any that live close. It's going to be at the Cobb Civic Center. There will be everything from summer camps to day care programs there.
Posted By: Mom0405 Re: courses in GA - 02/11/11 09:19 PM
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