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Posted By: shaangi Resources for logical reasoning - 03/05/08 07:35 AM
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for pure logical reasoning material for elementary school level children.
I have seen math based logic books and material but dont know of any for analytical reasoning as such.
Ex: Some men are sailors. Some sailors are smart. And so, one can infer that.......can one?;-)

(I remember having used some material to prep for the GMAT analytical section but to unleash that on DD7 is a little overwhelming !!)
Thanks again for your response.
Posted By: elh0706 Re: Resources for logical reasoning - 03/05/08 06:21 PM
Hmm, I'd suggest checking out some of the workbooks in the mindware catalog. They had alot of logic style puzzles and workbooks, if I recall correctly.

Just fon't get hung up on the suggested ages smile
Posted By: LMom Re: Resources for logical reasoning - 03/06/08 03:12 AM
I second the mindware selection. Check out the Perplexors. So far we have tried only the Venn Perplexors B (for DS5), but the Grid ones sound good and could be what you are looking for.

I just notice they also have Math Perplexors. Is that new?
Posted By: Isa Re: Resources for logical reasoning - 03/09/08 09:53 AM
The mini-loco series have something.

If you speak spanish I can recoomend another series.

They are suposed to be for children who are a little bit behind, but if you get the one for older kids (8-10) they should work with your DD.
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