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Posted By: shaangi Magazines for 6-8 year old - 01/29/08 04:06 PM
Newbie to the forum- great resource from the hour spent reading the forum..prompted me to ask this of you all:
Any recos for magazines for (seemingly overachieving) 7 year old DD?
I hear :
NatGeo for kids
Kids Discover
Time for kids (appreciate any perspectives especially on the "time for kids")
Thanks for your time.
Posted By: pinkpanther Re: Magazines for 6-8 year old - 01/29/08 05:35 PM
My girls (ages 6 and 9) love NatGeo Kids. We still get Highlights, although my DD9 doesn't read it anymore.
Posted By: elh0706 Re: Magazines for 6-8 year old - 01/29/08 05:46 PM
It is a bit simplistic but my son loves Ranger Rick from the National Wildlife Federation.
He does not like Time for Kids since he says that they make everything seem like it has a simple solution and people aren't simple.
Posted By: acs Re: Magazines for 6-8 year old - 01/29/08 05:56 PM
We always liked Ranger Rick, too. At 12, now, I think he's just outgrown it, but he loves learning about wild animals.
Posted By: incogneato Re: Magazines for 6-8 year old - 01/29/08 10:02 PM
DD7 loves the Wildlife Explorer program from IMP. It's not a magazine, but when you sign up they send you a binder and a pack of pages to put in the binder.
Each month you get a new pack of pages to organize into different categories in your binder.
Ex: mammals, invertebrates, birds, ect. and more categories, I don't have it in front of me now. She really likes it, though, and each card has tons of facts for each animal.
I think you can google wildlife explorer or add IMP to the search to find the website.
Posted By: Lorel Re: Magazines for 6-8 year old - 01/29/08 10:06 PM
I highly recommend the Carus magazines. These folks put out Cricket, Muse, Cobblestones, Faces, Ask, Click, etc. Muse is probably my favorite. Check it out here:

Posted By: Ania Re: Magazines for 6-8 year old - 01/30/08 05:57 PM
I love Click, but my kids are too old now :-(
Posted By: Grinity Re: Magazines for 6-8 year old - 01/31/08 12:15 PM
DS11 got Time for kids at school and it was his favorite thing in 2nd grade - maybe the only good thing! He loves spouting information - hummm - wonder where he gets that from?
Posted By: Lorel Re: Magazines for 6-8 year old - 01/31/08 02:42 PM
American Girl magazine is another one of my dd's favorites. I am wary of exposing her to teen magazines at this point, but the AG stuff is about friendship and arts and crafts, and not about boys and fashion. She was reading it at the library every week, so I finally got her a subscription for Christmas.
Posted By: pinkpanther Re: Magazines for 6-8 year old - 01/31/08 03:42 PM
Yes, both of my girls (ages 6 and 9) like the American Girls magazines and books. The books have gotten them turned on to historical fiction.
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