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Posted By: cym chess camp - 07/23/10 08:12 PM
I probably recommend this every year, but two kids are finishing up chess camp today and have loved it. This is yr 3 for USA Chess in my community (after I called and asked if they would hold a camp here). This year's camp offers half day chess, half day computer game design. The camp is expensive but the kids prefer it to any other local camp. In the past they've done all day chess and come home wanting to play more of it. They look forward to it all year. They learn strategies and moves--one instructor works full-time, year-round as a chess coach. Check out
Posted By: Kate Re: chess camp - 07/23/10 08:17 PM
Oooohhhhh! Thanks for the info. DS had 3 weeks of game theory camp this summer which included chess and he wants more! Nan
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