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Posted By: HannahZ new access to Stanford EPGY math - 06/24/10 06:03 PM
Hi folks,
Stanford EPGY seems to be available now through a third method (previously one signed up through their "traditional" quite expensive program, about $500 per quarter) or alternatively through "School based open enrollment". Many thanks to Melissa on this board for making that second option available to families here. According to the second option families paid $135 for a year which included access to the math course sequence as well as an English course. To access that second option, Melissa had to include your family's name, zip code, email etc. on the list associated with her group at Stanford, at which point you could sign your child up for EPGY.

Now Stanford EPGY Open Enrollment appears to allow families to sign up individually, without first accessing an Open Enrollment group (like Melissa's). The deal is not quite as good as the one we accessed through Melissa's group. I think you don't get access to the English class (at least I can't see anywhere you can select that as an option). Also it is slightly more expensive. However, it carries the advantage that you can sign up for three months at a time at a cost of $45 per quarter.

Quite a few parents here in NYC are interested in Stanford EPGY, and for those who have doubts whether their children will enjoy the program, this three month option is wonderful. Here is a link which will tell you about it and get you directly where you need to go if you are interested in this method of signing up:
Posted By: Dandy Re: new access to Stanford EPGY math - 06/25/10 06:02 AM
Posted By: jesse Re: new access to Stanford EPGY math - 07/09/10 07:25 PM
This is reselling Stanford's EPGY?
Posted By: CourtneyB Re: new access to Stanford EPGY math - 07/09/10 08:16 PM
Looks like you actually sign up right through EPGY so I think is just advertising it. My DS5 is signed up through open enrollment but I think we may sign up DD4 through this to try it out, she's not quite as 'mathy' as he is.
Posted By: AlexsMom Re: new access to Stanford EPGY math - 07/09/10 08:17 PM
No, if you click through to the link, it takes you to the Stanford EPGY page ( You pay Stanford directly.

ETA: They also offer a full refund in the first 21 days, so a good way to see if it's a fit for you. DD7 does not like the instructor ("Ugh! Why does he always talk like blah blah blah? I'm tired of blah blah blah!"), so tends to tune out the lectures and then be confused by the new concept.
Posted By: kimck Re: new access to Stanford EPGY math - 07/09/10 11:08 PM
Does anyone know ... is this only through grade 7, or can you access algebra as well?
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