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Posted By: bh14 Anyone ever use l!ttle passports? - 05/04/10 05:39 PM
I saw it in a mag. and looked it up online. It looks really cool but it says the recomm. age is 6-10 (would it be too young for a gifty or would they still enjoy it?) It's a subscription based program where you get a package in the mail every month from pretend characters and there is a diff. country every month, and it comes with a souvenir, a fake passport, stickers, a world map, a photo of the country with geograph. inform about that part. country. Would love to hear any feedback if you've gotten the subscrip. for your child!

Posted By: Wyldkat Re: Anyone ever use l!ttle passports? - 05/07/10 04:06 AM
I saw that too and was also interested. Would LOVE to hear any feedback anyone has.
Posted By: chris1234 Re: Anyone ever use l!ttle passports? - 05/07/10 03:57 PM
Sounds similar to a highlights package we got a few times for ds, you get a mystery to solve with magazine size book of interelated puzzles - deduction, code breaking, etc., but each is based on an adventure in a certain country so another magazine size book is included with interesting facts about the country which end up being clues in the puzzle book. Pretty fun stuff.
Just googled, it is Top Secret Adventures
Posted By: bh14 Re: Anyone ever use l!ttle passports? - 05/07/10 04:19 PM
Cool! That does look pretty similar. Thanks for letting me know about it.

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