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Posted By: JenSMP Grade-level placement tests - 01/15/10 03:09 PM
Are there grade level placement tests that you would recommend? I feel that I need do this with ds6 because of the asynchronous development. It's tough to get a handle on actual grade level, and I think this information will be useful for the school next year (if we change). Also, it will help me know what to work on at home (I think). Any ideas?
Posted By: Jamie B Re: Grade-level placement tests - 01/15/10 03:11 PM
I don't know of any but I'm going to watch this thread because I'm curious too.
Posted By: amazedmom Re: Grade-level placement tests - 01/15/10 03:59 PM
I used the k12 placement tests. You can rint them out online and it tells you how to score them. Google k12 placement tests ad it should come up smile Hoe that helps
Posted By: JenSMP Re: Grade-level placement tests - 01/15/10 04:41 PM
Thanks Amanda. I'll give it a shot.
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