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Posted By: Raddy Powerpoint Help - 09/09/09 10:34 AM
Does anybody have any experience of a tutorial to get little'un up to speed quickly on Powerpoint - I feel he has a Powerpoint presentation for class coming on :-)
Posted By: spook Re: Powerpoint Help - 09/10/09 09:52 AM
Hi Raddy - I don't know any tutorials but thought I'd share this.

Our DS6 came home last week nagging at us to show him powerpoint as some of the other kids in class had started using them for their weekly presentations. I wasn't sure about it because I'd been happy for him to do his own notes and take in supporting pictures etc and felt that with powerpoint it would be me doing the work not him. Still he nagged and his teacher was all for it (damn there went my excuse) so I gave in and started it up for him, the pc was taking an age to load and I got a phone call so opened it up and walked away - by the time I got back to him he had typed in his title and intro and asked me how to make the next slide - I showed him and he said ok I've got it so I left him to it and made dinner. Half and hour later he had created 12 slides, then his dad came in and I heard him ask him how to add pictures and create the 'animations'. DH showed him how to look up graphics and make the words 'slide in and out' etc. Job done.

Since then he's opened up powerpoint and produced another 3 presentations on sustainability, the environment and worms!

If your DS is as much into computers as mine you may find he wraps it up much easier than you think. Good luck.

Posted By: Raddy Re: Powerpoint Help - 09/10/09 07:10 PM
Thanks Spook - I think I'll try that approach. Sometimes I just get in the way and suck the enthusiasm out of him
Posted By: Fibo Re: Powerpoint Help - 10/03/09 08:53 PM
Hello, If anyone might help..

How do I link Audio Wave files to powerpoint 2007?

Then how best to Encode these combined files to prep for DVD duplication?

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