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Posted By: Nan Life of Fred? - 08/13/09 06:34 PM
I keep hearing wonderful things about Life of Fred, particularly for introducing algebra. What skills does a child need before starting Life of Fred? I'm sure I've read a thread discussing this, but now that I'm looking for it, I can't find it. Thank you!
Posted By: Skylersmommy Re: Life of Fred? - 08/13/09 06:42 PM
Hi Nan, this is what it says on the website for the first book:

1) When should my child start the series?

Life of Fred: Fractions is the first book in the series. It presupposes that the reader knows three things:

i) the addition tables What's 5 + 8?

ii) the multiplication tables What's 7 times 8?

iii) long division What's 6231 divided by 93?

Posted By: Nan Re: Life of Fred? - 08/13/09 06:55 PM
Thanks, Skylersmommy. I'd read that earlier and completely forgotten. I guess that means we need to work on multiplication and division fact automaticity!
Posted By: Skylersmommy Re: Life of Fred? - 08/13/09 07:18 PM
your welcome,

FYI, I started with my DD even tho she wasn't proficient in long division and she still was able to do the work (and correct me when I made a mistake, lol) it's a story along with the work and she really enjoyed that part of it too. smile
Posted By: JBDad Re: Life of Fred? - 08/13/09 08:20 PM
I think the only issue we have with LoF is how to use it. (We're not homeschooling.) DS6 is much more into Murderous Maths for "unschooling". It's not a type of book where we'd give it to DS and he'd just read it because he wants to whereas he *does* with Murderous Maths.

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