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Posted By: Lori H. Ipod Touch - 05/25/09 02:09 PM
My son just bought an Ipod Touch for $229 with his birthday money and I think it is well worth the price. He got free apps for Spindle, a news channel, Google Earth, a dictionary, and he bought an app for classic books for 99 cents that came with a lot of free classic books. There was also an app for YouTube and you can find educational things on that and he can also listen to music.

There were also a lot of apps for free games and he was reading interesting trivia to me from another app. Because of the educational value, I think I like it even more than his DSI.
Posted By: inky Re: Ipod Touch - 05/25/09 02:51 PM
A friend had one and my favorite app was she could hold her phone up to the radio playing a song and it would tell her the name and artist. Pretty cool!
Posted By: crisc Re: Ipod Touch - 05/25/09 03:38 PM
I think DS6 thinks that my IPod touch is really his sometimes. We love it!
Posted By: Lori H. Re: Ipod Touch - 05/25/09 03:42 PM
He would like that one also so we'll have to look for that. He was $20 short of having enough money to buy the Ipod Touch and he wanted one before we went on vacation. He knows that he has a better chance of talking me into something if he can prove it has educational value so he looked at the educational things first. He talked me into it by telling me about the money we could save by not having to buy some of the classic books and how nice it would be to look at google earth on our vacation without having to carry the laptop with us. He hasn't had a chance to look at all the fun things it can do yet.
Posted By: Lori H. Re: Ipod Touch - 05/25/09 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by inky
A friend had one and my favorite app was she could hold her phone up to the radio playing a song and it would tell her the name and artist. Pretty cool!

I told my son told me about this and he said he had heard of it but didn't know what it was called but he finally found it. There is another one that can identify a song if you sing into the microphone. Now he thinks he needs a microphone.
Posted By: Lori H. Re: Ipod Touch - 05/25/09 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by crisc
I think DS6 thinks that my IPod touch is really his sometimes. We love it!

I want one but I can't afford it. Nobody ever gives me birthday money.
Posted By: kimck Re: Ipod Touch - 05/25/09 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by crisc
I think DS6 thinks that my IPod touch is really his sometimes. We love it!

LOL! My 8 year old is quite the expert on mine too. He knows how to navigate it much better than I do.
Posted By: Lori H. Re: Ipod Touch - 06/09/09 05:37 PM
My son found a an app for Japanese phrases and has been learning Japanese while in the car or in the waiting room and when he gets tired of that he likes to play SAT vocabulary games or puzzle games with RPG elements like puzzle quest. It keeps his mind busy and there is less anxiety while waiting to see the doctor.

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