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Posted By: oneisenough dictionary program for the computer? - 01/25/09 02:06 PM
In university I had a program on my computer and I can't remember what it was...but I would like to download it again. It was a program that is always running and allows you to right click on any word, on any website and a little pop up window opens with definitions etc. If the word might be spelt wrong it suggests some spellings.

Have you seen this program? Thanks smile
I wish I knew what it was onsie because it sounds like a great program. I always just use if I am stuck on a word or word choice, but your program sounds great. Do let us know if you find it.
Posted By: Mama22Gs Re: dictionary program for the computer? - 01/26/09 03:25 PM
I haven't seen the program you mention, but I was intrigued enough to do a Google search. Try searching Google with "dictionary right click". When I did, there were a few different things that came up that seem similar to what you mention -- such as MSN Encarta Right Click dictionary and one from Merriam Webster, which requires Firefox.

Hope this helps!
Posted By: oneisenough Re: dictionary program for the computer? - 01/26/09 03:45 PM
thank you!!
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