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Posted By: N.. Epgy...self paced or instructor? - 06/11/14 10:33 PM
Ed Psyc suggested I try EPGY for DS7. He has some learning struggles mostly motor related so we are wondering if math online would be easier once we remove pencil and paper. He seems to have some visual processing as well--though just low average.

He is enrolled in school. This would be to supplement and enrich over summer break.

I'm trying to decide if I should do the instructor course or self-paced. My fear with instructor is with summer activities he may not keep up with pace and expectations. My fear with self-pace is I really want him to see the quick teacher instruction videos when he is stuck as he is a strong verbal learner.

The price difference is significant so looking for advice.
Posted By: N.. Re: Epgy...self paced or instructor? - 06/12/14 12:07 AM
very helpful and I'll wait to see if a group is possible and if not I'll sign up for open enrollment in a few days. Fingers crossed he enjoys it and it allows him to enjoy math without all the fluency issues!
Posted By: ohmathmom Re: Epgy...self paced or instructor? - 06/12/14 01:30 AM
N. . I sent you a PM.
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