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DS6 has been enjoying this app:

Any more suggestions for similar apps or games for him or DD10? Both are totally naive re programming.
I've recently downloaded Circuit Coder.

It is about digital circuit desgin, gets tricky pretty quickly. But really good thought skills in it.

Cargo Bot is closer in sentiment to Light Bot with programming a machine to perform a function/solve a problem.

Same company as Cargo Bot has a programming platform they used to develop it along with various game samples to experiment with. might make a nice follow-on from this; it goes into type-code-in mode, but has a similar hand-held structure. is not so structured, but avoids typing and is great fun.
Scratch and cargobot are great places to start as they teach the basic concepts before the "language". Code Academy is a good next step. Codea is also a lot of fun, but there is very little "teaching"--it's more explore as you go and if you don't know the concepts its hard to figure it out.
Another crazy place to start is retro, where I honed my programming on an AppleII. There is an emulator website:

Have to hunt down learning for it, but it is BASIC; there is something to quick turnaround experimentation. DS didn't have a strong pull to it. He likes doing tutorials. Recently tried Objective C, a very cumbersome language.
bumping this one too. smile

GREAT stuff in this thread. I particularly like the BASIC simulator. WOW, is that ever a blast from the past. Wonder if I can make my own punch-cards, too.... wink
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