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I'm about to go into a team meeting for DS6 and try to get them to let him do independent math if they can not provide a teacher/class for his needs. In my system we have fully implemented Common Core and it just occurred to me that they will probably not even consider any program that doesn't align with Common Core.

Do you know of any programs of independent study that would meet this requirement? Do you have any recommendations? I'd like to go prepared with a few examples for them.

TIA is aligned with most states standards plus common core

But Aleks starts with grade three.
Sweetie that would be OK because he needs at least a 3rd grade curriculum if not higher.

Thank you both for the quick replies!!
Davidson has comparison chart here... is aligned with Core AND it does unit pre tests AND kids can go as slow or as fast as they want AND it doesn't keep a kid in a particular grade if they need to go into the next grade with a specific piece of maths.

I love Dreambox - just saying smile
We use at home, which I picked because I know the neighboring, Core-aligned school district provides it for their students for home practice. (Ours has IXL, which is just practice, not learning, and I'm not very fond of it.)

Eibbed, did you have any luck getting your school district to do an independent math with your DS?
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