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I can't believe what I have just learned. I am still stunned and excited beyond belief. Here is a scoop:

Went to the Back to School Night. Introduced to new math teacher. Level 4, excited about doing higher level math and problem solving. Yes, you have read it right, excited about problem solving and conceptual math. Turns out school got a grant thanks to which this teacher will be offering before school class x 4 weekly to curious/advance math students!
We do not know specifics yet, he is absolutely open to our, current math club coordinators, suggestions. But it is still unbelievable to me that the school is offering 4 extra hours of instructions weekly for gifted /curious math students.
The second shock came when I learned that there is going to be only 2 students in Ghost's math class this year! Two of the best students, and the class will be offered just for their benefit.
This is HUGE in my world!!!
Why do I believe this is an advocacy issue?
Well, we were the sole family responsible for the math club for the past two years. Last year our seventh graders came in second in the state wide math contest. While talking to the Principal numerous times I mentioned that gifted students fall under the special ed umbrella, that there must be monies available. I presented the P with a copy of Genius Denied.
They wrote for a grant and got it!

I know that things will not look as bright a few months down the road,there is always problems, but right now I am thrilled!
So keep bugging those teachers, you NEVER know what is waiting behind a corner!
Congrats, Ania! The math for the coming year sounds wonderful!
Glad to hear it!

I am enjoying a glass of chilled chardonnay and watching the Olympics smile
I am so happy...
So happy to hear your good news! Congratulations!
Wow Ania, sounds like you hit the jackpot! Congrats!

And maybe I need some wine ...
You are a bunch of really supportive people smile
Congratulations, Ania. Thanks for sharing your success story. Good news is always welcome.

((Rose Petal Parade and Marching Band))
Your efforts were noted and acted on!
Congrats on the advocacy success!
Oh, WOW, Ania, that's great! That extra class in the morning is truly something amazing.

Good for you!
YEAH!!! Jackpot!!!!
Woo-hoo! laugh
wow - extra math and regular math taught just for your child and another - kudos!

This is a great message not to give up. The schools are tied up with bureaucracy. Sometimes when we are frustrating they are actually trying to make things happen behind the scenes. I'm hoping to post our own advocacy success story shortly!

p.s.- Sometimes no just means come back another day and re-state your position. smile
Yahoo! great news, Ania!
I forgot about another important development.
Some of you might remember my frustration with Ghost not being allowed to take higher level science last year.
Well, this year he will be taking an online physics course at school, during science !
What a difference one year makes! I agree with neato that school did see our frustration and was trying to make accomodations. We are sometimes blindfolded by our frustration and not seeing that the other side is trying to accomodate.
Wonderful news!

I am so glad this forum exists so that I can learn and gain inspiration from everyone�s situations, barriers, attempted solutions and success stories (which will surely present further issues).
The key is not pissing of the people who are trying to help you, while you are frustrated!
That is wonderful!!! Enjoy the fruits of your labor!!

Bumping away the spam!
Originally Posted by Incogneato
The key is not pissing of the people who are trying to help you, while you are frustrated!

I so agree Neato, but it is very, very difficult in my case. I am sure that I have gotten both P and VP angry over the last few years. Part of it is the fact that I want things done right away, part is the fact that English is my second language and because of the lack of words (when I am excited) I frequently come along as impolite. At least I think so wink
But look, even if I sounded angry and impolite, it has worked.
Ania - Yippee!
The online physics sounds like a big help, too.

I'm so glad for you.

I had a little happy feeling about this thread all day. Somehow it lead me to think this way:

I figure that somewhere there are schools that do right by our kids, without the parents even thinking twice and their parents might never think to go on the Internet to talk about giftedness, because their child's needs are being met - and things go well, and we never meet these parents. So it's doubly important to hear about your success. So you ruffled feathers along the way - in the end it's about the children getting their needs met.

Love and More Love,
Very nice. What physics course is it? U of Mo?
Ania, I came close to being obnoxious a few times as well. Last year at the end of the school year was pretty bad for me. I left a frustrated and almost incoherent message on the principal's voicemail that I didn't feel real good about!

Hey we're all human!
Fantastic news Ania! I am sure DS is feeling much better now.

BTW May be having English as a second language is a nice excuse for some not too diplomatic comments. "She sure didn't mean it, you know. English is her second language." At least I hope it works this way wink
Yeah!!! I am so happy to hear schools somewhere are working to help top kids.
Originally Posted by Lorel
Very nice. What physics course is it? U of Mo?

Sorry Lorel, I only saw this question now.
It is BYU Distance Education
Congrats!!! smile Thks for sharing your success story. It keeps me hopeful and motivated. I have to remind myself too that school is a place to learn and I have to do something if my child is not learning (new things).

Thank You S-T and welcome.
Glad I could help smile
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