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I've been searching the archives trying to find the group that was formed for Stanford's EPGY open enrollment program (a big discount vs. more expensive tutor-accompanied courses) - but can't find it...

Anyone interested in forming a NEW group?

I'll volunteer to be the point of contact to get this group going. We have a 6 yo HG boy, but I think our group can be made up of any age or geographic location, according to the EPGY site.

Let us know! We'd like to get started soon!

I would be interested in joining if you are still looking for members. I have an 8 yr old boy. Thanks!
I am interested too. I have a 7yo girl.
Thank you
elenashteyn@yahoo dot com
I'm interested too, for my dd8 - but have a few questions. Does your student have to prove eligibility through standardized test scores or some other way? I took a quick look at the eligibility link but didn't see anything about test scores.

Other question - the fees that are posted on the website - are they per course or just per month and your child can take/complete as many courses as they want to during the period you enroll them?


sfmom0611, thank you for volunteering.

My DS is almost 5. I would love to register him if that is possible.
Is it possible to add me when you start to form a class?
6 years old.
Thank you.
Just wondering if you are still doing it. I would be interested as well. I have an 8 yr old and a 6 yr old.

Thank you!
Hi there,
I am interested in joining, too. I tried to join a Canadian group but the contact EPGY had given me had actually not been using the program for years ;-)
My son is 4 and would like to do Kindergarten math.
Thank you!!!!
Hello sfmom,
I posted earlier but I must have done something wrong as it doesn't show up (I am newly registered but have been reading for a year now).
I would love to join your group if possible. I'm in Canada and it seems there no other groups up North.
My son is 4.
Thank you!!
Hello everyone. I just wanted to reach out and let you all know that if sfmom is no longer able to volunteer to lead a new group, I'll be more than happy to facilitate the process. Please send me a PM or email me at and let me know that you are interested. Once we have enough people signed up, I will submit all the paperwork and start the process. Thank you! - mary
If you are still forming a group, I'd be interested in joining for my 4 yo girl.

Thank you!
Hello Mary,
That is great! Thank you so much. I am sending you an e-mail but I thought I'd also reply here because my e-mails often go straight to people's trash (my address ends in
Hi everyone,

Sorry for my slow response - I didn't realize there were so many responses since this forum wasn't forwarding me the replies and I hadn't logged in with all the start of school craziness the last few weeks!

In any case, it looks like we have at least the 8 families minimum that EPGY requires to form a "learning community" and qualify for the discount. I'd like to collect info from you all and submit this form to Stanford to qualify:

Please email the following to
1) Parent name
2) Zip code
3) Email
4) # of EPGY students (in your family)

Polarbear - here's the link to the required tests for eligibility by age:
I remember seeing the page on minimum test scores but can't find the link either. I'll contact EPGY to try to get that info.

Here's the info on rates:
Much cheaper than a per course basis (which ranges most from $495-750). My understanding is that you can take as many courses as you want (self-paced) and it's less expensive since it's up to the parent to work with the child as opposed to an assigned EPGY tutor.

MaryKS - thanks for offering to help lead the group. I'll gather the names and apply for the group discount. I'm sure after that, we'll get a better idea of responsibilities for the administrator. I'm happy to do it but if I need help or it makes sense to break into a separate group, I'll definitely email you.

Please get back to me by next Friday 9/28 - I'll submit the form then.


Hi Julie,
Thanks for organizing this!!
I just wanted to add that you don't need any test scores for the open enrollment (I don't have a website for reference but that's what Marie from EPGY told me in an e-mail).
Good to know, Stefanie! Thanks for letting us know.
I think I'd be interested in this for next year... I'll keep an eye out for a group then.
Hi everyone,

We're just one family short of forming the open enrollment group and qualify for the discount.

Please email me at asap if you're interested!
1) Parent name
2) Zip code
3) Email
4) # of EPGY students (in your family)

Count me in please. I send you the info through e-mail couple day ago.

Are you still looking for families or have you already submitted paperwork? I am interested in joining if possible.
Good evening! I'm looking to sign up my DS6 for EPGY open enrollment. Do you know if a group was ever formed from this post?

Thanks in advance for your help.

We are also looking to enroll our children in the EPGY open enrollment program. Can we join someone's group?
Please let us know. Thanks everyone for a great forum.
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