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Posted By: AWriterGoneMad Does this sound like 2E? - 03/04/12 12:04 AM
I recently discovered the topic of twice exceptional children and as I was reading, a lot of the traits/symptoms seemed to fit me. Specifically, I'm wondering if I'm 2e with dyscalculia, and would greatly appreciate your thoughts.

I've always been terrible at math. (How terrible, you ask? My principal tried tutoring me once, to no avail.)

I've had tutors and all sorts of different workbooks, and the same thing seems to happen every time: I either don't get it at all, or I start to, and then when I try to do it again later, it's like I'm starting with a clean slate all over again, as I can't remember anything. No matter how hard I try to improve nothing seems to stick.

I also struggle with analog clocks, direction and directions, maps, money, etc.

When I was in kindergarten, I was in a pull-out reading program for what I'm assuming these days was for gifted kids. (They didn't tell me why I was being pulled out. I just remember it was only a few kids and I was always raising my hand.) It could have continued into first grade as well, but I'm not sure.

On my first day of kindergarten, I walked into the classroom and wondered why everything was labeled; I remember thinking to myself, "This is ridiculous! I know what it is, how to spell it, and how to read it."

After that, I was in fourth grade before my reading abilities were actually tested, after which they found that I was reading on a seventh grade level, with full comprehension.

I have distinct memories of looking up from my completed reading assignments to find out I was the only one done. I felt like a freak. My reading speed has tested at over 1k per minute.

My parents never pushed me to read. My mom simply showed me a book one day and I just took off.(Would I be considered a self-taught reader?)

I went through books quicker than my parents could keep up, and still do.

Now, I study aikido and my instructor is constantly asking me if I have a photographic memory because my learning speed is so far ahead of the other students.

Does this sound like someone who could be 2e? Thank you for your time.
Posted By: Grinity Re: Does this sound like 2E? - 03/04/12 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by AWriterGoneMad
I My mom simply showed me a book one day and I just took off.(Would I be considered a self-taught reader?)
I don't think that there is an agreed definition of 'self-taught reader' but this description sure fits my understanding of the term. ((wink))

Your overall description does sound like some version of 2E. Have you found work-around for your current daily life? Are you able to do 'work-around' for the problems with math, clocks,directions, maps and money at this time? These questions will help you decide how much resource you should put into getting help with your challenge areas.

Did you assume that because you have weaknesses that your intellectual strengths are 'nothing special?' One of the common myths about giftedness is that it 'doesn't count unless it's across the board strength.' The reality is that many gifted kids and adults have significant challenges.

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Posted By: Dbat Re: Does this sound like 2E? - 03/05/12 02:22 PM
I don't know much about this particular type of issue, but FWIW one of my professors in graduate school (Genetics), a brilliant, charming, and charismatic man, could not even find his way from his office of 20 years to the lecture hall next door without following someone else. I think his wife had to drive him around, as this was about 20 years ago so of course pre-GPS. I didn't know him that well so don't know if he had the other problems you describe, but I think you're in good company. Best of luck finding help.
Posted By: ultramarina Re: Does this sound like 2E? - 03/30/12 01:32 PM
Have you looked into nonverbal learning disorder? I have extreme difficulty with sense of direction as well, and learning to tell time was much harder for me than other tasks. I am not at all spatial. I don't know if I have NVLD, but some of the issues do sound familiar. My math skills are above average, but nowhere near my verbal skills. BTW, I also read extremely fast, though I have no idea how many WPM.
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