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Posted By: Lori H. Hypermobile finger joints and dysgraphia - 06/12/11 08:29 PM
I recently noticed that my son has some hypermobile finger joints. The top joint of his index finger and thumb on his right hand, the hand he writes with, bend back really far as if they were made of rubber. I am wondering if this, along with the hypotonia, are the reason for his motor dysgraphia. It looks to me like the hypermobility in his finger joints might cause him to have to work harder to control the pencil which could possibly contribute to the fatigue in his hand when he writes. I am not sure exercise would help with hypermobile joints.

Originally Posted by master of none
At the same time, he should continue working on proximal stability which is the root cause of the problem.

Very strong agree. It will can make a huge difference. Keep working on it.
And get him an ergonomic pen or pencil if he doesn't already have one. I would recommend the one our OT suggested for our DD but I am nit sure it would be available in the US.
My son also has hypermobile joints. He has SPD with tactile sensitivity and resulting fine motor delays, including dysgraphia. My understanding is that the hypermobile joints are a symptom of the disorder and not a cause.

We have been in OT for a year now, working with an OT that specializes in SPD. She, too, worked with him for months on proximal stability and strength before she ever started any fine motor work.
perplexed I think that hypermobility is not necessarily a symptom OR a cause of SPD, maybe it is for some children, and maybe it's often co-morbid. But certainly for our family the hypermobility is genetic, and tied to ehlers danlos disease. My DD has just been re-assessed by our OT as essentially having all her SPD issues "resolved" or at least well adapted to - but the hypermobility is, in the OTs opinion, there for life (but not presently causing any particular issues, her core and limbs are "surprisingly strong for how hypermobile she is" & her pencil grip is ok, with her writing speed on the 63rd percentile for age).
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