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Posted By: BooBoo Assessment update - 10/20/10 09:01 AM
After a long process and waiting, DS8's result is coming back. I want to thank many of you who have give me information and support. Without you, I have no clue how to deal with DS's problem. Dh didn't support my worry at first. He thought I was thinking too much. My friends told me DS was fine, he is just a smart boy. DS's teachers thought his behaviors were OK and his grades were good. After months of reading this board, I finally scheduled with psychologist.

If anybody is still remember me, my son has some traits of AS, ADHD and SPD. As he getting order, he outgrew some of quirky behaviors, but he always has attention problem and trouble on writing. He is in 3rd grade now, he has a lot more school work and homework than lower grades. Every day he just barely had his work done (with teacher or my push) because he was so slow and couldn't focus on task. He got less and less sleep cause he still insisted to finish homework.

The first psychologist I talked told me DS has AS (she said it is obviously). I had first session with her talking about DS's situation and she had one session with DS to have some activities. DS is shy to new people so he usually doesn't want to have interaction with stranger until he feels comfortable. The third session she give me the diagnosis without further testing. She also has no idea about OE. I refused to see her again.

The second psychologist I met who is specialized seeing 2e kids. Today I got result back: no ADHD, no AS, no SPD. His inattention should cause by under challenge. About his writing difficulty, he has very low processing speed index (88) compared to other WISC subtest scores. Psych said it cause by his poor motor skills. He wrote Developmental Coordination Disorder (dysgraphia) on report and wanted us starting searching OT for DS. Doctor also said he has anxiety, especially when he faced uncertain situation. He didn't want to express feeling when writing because there was no correct answer. I am happy I finally got answer, but don't know how to start helping DS.
Posted By: Grinity Re: Assessment update - 10/21/10 02:50 AM
Hey Booboo,

So glad you are starting to get some support! Yippee! My son's processing speed is in that ballpark. He learned to type at age 9 and it rocked his world! Good luck!
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