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Posted By: EandCmom help to improve working memory - 02/13/08 08:55 PM
I was discussing my DS10's problem with spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc. and the person I was discussing this with noted that her DS also has problems with this and that this is a working memory problem. He can spell fine with rote memorization but when he is writing a paragraph or something else it all just flies out the window.

He has visual issues and I noticed his computer therapy has some things on it that are designed to help working memory (I found some examples on the internet and they were basically the same as some of his therapy). Well again, a light bulb has gone off for me and now I am wondering how to help improve his working memory beyond what his therapy is doing. This seems to be his weakest area as it has improved the least while other areas have improved greatly. One thing at a time I suppose!

If anyone has any suggestions for things to do to help improve working memory I'd appreciate it. Thanks so much! smile
Posted By: Grinity Re: help to improve working memory - 02/14/08 03:34 AM
Ohh! I'd love those internet examples links!

As far as working memory, there are lots of games where the first person says a word, or a digit, and the second person repeats and adds, which continues until one can't go on any more. I wonder if that can help?

Cooking requires multiple actions at various times, and it's fun and yummy.

Memorizing all his friends phone numbers? All your friends' phone numbers? Relatives?

Working on a family tree?

Sports statistics?

The best analogy to working memory I've found is that it's a measure of the 'workbench' your mind has when taking something mentally apart. So look for activities that require having a lot of tools and part out on the mental workbench.

Good luck, I can't wait to hear the other responses on this one!
Posted By: EandCmom Re: help to improve working memory - 02/14/08 04:12 AM
Thanks Grinity. What is interesting with my DS is that he has a phenomenal memory when it comes to things like sports statistics or sports plays or even when it comes to what he did when he was 2 years old! It's the writing that he has such trouble with. Maybe because he has such trouble with writing on the line and remembering which way the letters go that his memory is taken up with that and doesn't have room for the punctuation/capitalization, etc??

I like the game you mentioned with the repeating - kind of like that old game Simon - and I really liked the analogy. That makes alot of sense. I guess I need to incorporate things with him having to remember and write at the same time. Writing the friends phone numbers, writing the family tree, etc. You've given me some great things to think about - thanks! smile
Posted By: Isa Re: help to improve working memory - 02/14/08 11:47 AM

I would try drawing objects, first by looking at them and then by memory: he studies the object for a few minutes and then draws it from memory. Before that he follows the contour with his finger in the air.

There is also a great link with other memory and visual games:

One question: how long per day does your son practice his eye exercises?

Posted By: incogneato Re: help to improve working memory - 02/14/08 12:33 PM
Thanks for that link, Isa. This will help me with DD5.

Posted By: EandCmom Re: help to improve working memory - 02/14/08 05:34 PM
Isa - thanks for the link!

He does his exercises 20 minutes each day on the computer and then for 30-45 minutes once a week at the doctor's office. He has improved tremendously in several areas such as being able to write on the line and being able to read out loud without skipping down to the next line, being able to copy answers from a text book, etc. However, his spelling, punctuation, etc. still stinks when he is writing paragraphs. I admit I have been chalking it up to his not trying hard enough (bad mama - you'd think I'd learn) and I was wondering whether to get him a spelling tutor or not when someone mentioned the working memory problem. It now makes sense and really seems to be the last area where he really needs some work.

I will show him some of the games on that link and see if they help. Some of them appear to be similar to things he is already doing but some of them look different. Thank you! smile
Posted By: EandCmom Re: help to improve working memory - 02/14/08 10:16 PM
Dottie - I don't know of any auditory problems with my DS. In fact he seems to do better with auditory learning. If he can say things out loud as he does them or if he hears things he does better remembering them than when he just reads them.

My DS also has problems remembering things that do not interest him. If he is passionately involved in the subject he can tell you every minute detail. He decided he wanted to be a pilot when he was 3 and he could tell you every thing about how airplanes worked and could identify them as they flew over, etc. but he could not remember where he put his shoes or what 5+8 is. He'd just say he'll just use a calculator when he gets older so why bother to remember the addition facts? That is one reason I got so frustrated with him when he wouldn't write correctly or copy things correctly when they were RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM!!! Then of course I found out he couldn't help it and then I felt terrible (still do).

Honestly, I don't really know why he has trouble with the spelling, etc. The working memory problem seemed to make sense but I don't actually know that is what is going on so I'd love all suggestions. But as you say we can all use help with our working memory. I know I sure can - maybe I'll start doing some therapy myself! LOL!
Posted By: Grinity Re: help to improve working memory - 02/14/08 11:05 PM
One writer about gifted said that some gifted children were more 'accelerative' in their gifts and some were more 'enrichmentive' in their gifts. My DH was subject accelerated and always seems to be happy to learn whatever is put in front of him, very able to harness his 'seat powers' to whatever task he deems nescessary to be accomplished. I'd call this the 'accelerative' example.

By contrast, I really need to be emotionally involved in a subject to reach my highest level of learning, and harness what little 'seat power' I have. And once I get interested in a subject, my interest seems to multiply as my mastery increases. I'd call that an 'enrichmentive' example. Not to say that I couldn't have used some acceleration in the early grades - I wish I had had that opportunity - or that I think people fit neatly into catagories - but I thought that the metaphore was a good explaination of how two people, DH and I could both be so smart and yet look so stupid to each other. What one does as easily as breathing, the other finds quite difficult...

So EandCmom, if DS really needs the emotional investment, look for bridges between what he must learn for other people's needs, and what makes his heart sing. Also, I think being able to compose one's thoughts, spell and handwrite AND do capitalization and punctuation is a lot for anyone to do 'on the fly.' I was really pleased that my son's school put such an enphasis on writing as a process in the early years. Brainstorm, Outline, Rough Draft, Edit, Final Draft, KWIM?

Posted By: EandCmom Re: help to improve working memory - 02/15/08 01:25 AM
Ah Grinity I think you have hit the nail on the head. I was always happy to learn whatever was put in front of me and was very internally driven. It has been very, very hard for me to understand my DS. I know he is so bright and he puts so much time and effort into the things that interest him that it appears to me that he just isn't trying to do those things that don't interest him (spelling, punctuation, etc.) And this frustrates me to no end. Why not just DO it and not stare out the window, etc?

I know part of it is his visual problems. The doctor told me how hard it is for my DS to do certain things and he asked me how long I would stare at Latin before I would start looking out the window. I understand the point but you're also right that I need to help him become emotionally invested in what he is doing - because he has to do it. That is very hard to know how to do though. His school does follow the writing process you mentioned but he just slops through it doing as little writing as he can. The thing that gets me is he has such creative ideas and such a fantastic imagination but he hates writing so much he doesn't get the ideas down. It is getting better though - maybe I just need to be more patient.

Originally Posted by Grinity
good explanation of how two people, DH and I could both be so smart and yet look so stupid to each other. What one does as easily as breathing, the other finds quite difficult...

You said a mouthful there. It is hard to understand why things that are so easy to you are so hard to others and they feel the same way back. That could be a topic in and of itself! Thanks for the great ideas. :-)
Posted By: Grinity Re: help to improve working memory - 02/15/08 12:00 PM

First. Judge me as a writer.
Spelling? Terrible.
Organization? Depends on who the judge is - I think I'm amazing at organization - using everything at my disposal to get my point accross, even if I have to violate conventions left and right. But in a K-8 grade environment, teachers just though I didn't 'get' the rules, and wanted me to follow them. I probably irritate and confuse sometimes.
Mechanics? Not so good.
Volume? Perhaps too much at times....often just right.
Speed? Amazing. I know what I want to say instantly. What you mostly see is me 'just letting it flow' with a tiny bit of edition on the fly. If I was writing for 'the ages' I would use a much longer process, and include others in it, both for content and mechanics.

I went through the same with my Mom, my teachers, etc. I believed them. Luckily what helped me was writing. The more I wrote, the better I got, the more I was to self-edit, or allow others to edit my work. For me, editing before typing was just impossible - and I didn't learn to type until the ripe old age of 12! Sadly I wasn't allowed in the honors English track in High School because of 'poor spelling' and 'sloppy handwriting.' Doesn't that seem strange looking back? Everyone around me equated 'writing power' with mechanics. I was recognised as a reader, but no one seemed excited about that. I just believed everyone that I was 'Mathy' until...the Verbal SAT - sometimes a test can change the way people see you, and the way you see yourself. Please don't let that happen to your son. Be on HIS side, and quitely give the balanced push were needed.

If you can live with your DS growing up 'like me' then follow this advice.

1) Be his recorder. Audio, Video AND Scribe all those wonderful stories. Get him in love with communicating his ideas. Make it easy for him to 'get it out.' 60% of your efforts here.

2) Limit your efforts on mechanics to 30%. Include a good typing program as much as you can bribe him. Include editing your writing - not his. Include visual training and small motor activities - sewing! Check with the therapist for ideas, or here with us, but make SURE this whole area is limited to 30% of your efforts. Honestly it's the only way you will be able to correctly mirror to him your appreciation of his gifts. And if you don't do it - who will? Please please please don't let spelling, grammer and punctuation be the bottle neck to expression - your son is still so young! How did you feel about baby talk? I loved it!

This will take a lot of maturity on your part, so get support. If you are having trouble dig a bit. Grammer, Vocabulary, and Spelling have a long history of being used to make class distinction and tighten up the barrier between the haves and the have nots. So some of your fear may be from old memories of how your family members either were treated or treated others. Remember My Fair Lady? I don't remember which comedian made the joke about African American Moms instructing their son's to use "The King's English" if pulled over for a traffic violation, but I had already heard that story several times. So your fears have a real and serious basis.

You may want to edit and print out this Maxim and put it on the Fridge:

"In the world of the future, there will be no spelling or grammer. We will communicate heart to heart and mind to mind."

Love and More Love,

Posted By: Isa Re: help to improve working memory - 02/15/08 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by EandCmom
Isa - thanks for the link!

He does his exercises 20 minutes each day on the computer and then for 30-45 minutes once a week at the doctor's office.

I will show him some of the games on that link and see if they help. Some of them appear to be similar to things he is already doing but some of them look different. Thank you! smile

Hi EandCmom,

does he spend the entire 20 minutes in one exercise or does he several exercises each lasting a few minutes?

And which of the games appear to be similar to the ones your DS is doing with his therapy?

I ask because at the time being I am doing (as in 'constructing') the therapy for DD4.5 and I am interested in 'success stories' to give me ideas.

Posted By: EandCmom Re: help to improve working memory - 02/15/08 08:01 PM
Grinity - my first thought was "fear?? I'm not afraid of anything" but after consideration that isn't right. I am afraid for him as he gets older not doing well in school due to his writing issues. I remember all the gazillions of papers I wrote in high school and college and I write for a living now (not as an author) so writing is hugely important in my life and I guess coming from that perspective I am afraid of his not doing well in that area. He speaks extremely well so I am not worried about that but I do worry about his struggling as he gets older with all the written work that I know is coming. Maybe I'm just borrowing trouble by worrying now.

My father has always said my DS could be the next Steven Spielberg (no prejudice there!) because of his fantastic ideas and imagination and you are right, I don't need to let the lack of writing keep him from pursuing his talents to the fullest.

Speed? Amazing. I know what I want to say instantly. What you mostly see is me 'just letting it flow' with a tiny bit of edition on the fly.

This describes my DS exactly! He never has to think about what he is going to say - it just comes out of his mouth immediately. Honestly, I am impressed by this ability as I tend to mull over what I am going to say before I say it.

Please please please don't let spelling, grammar and punctuation be the bottle neck to expression - your son is still so young!

You are so right and I will start doing my best to see the forest rather than the trees in this area. The spelling, etc. will come with time (hopefully).

Dottie said :While the spelling/convention issues don't seem directly related to visual issues, they could be "delayed fallout" from the previous issues. He could be a bit behind based on what he's ever been able to fully process, kwim? I'm guessing he'll take off soon, thanks to his visual remediation.

The spelling issues don't seem to be related unless it is because his working memory is so taken up with trying to write on the line, etc. that he can't remember to do the other. But I really have no idea. Hopefully he will take off soon - I hate seeing him struggle.

Isa - he has 9 different therapies that he does and he does 4 a day for 5 minutes each. We are getting ready to run out the door to therapy right now but I will get back to you on which ones are similar to the ones in the link you sent me.

I so appreciate everyone taking the time to respond to this. It is something I worry about and it is something I want to help him with. I want both my children to excel as much as they can and use their talents to the fullest. Thanks for the help! smile
Posted By: Grinity Re: help to improve working memory - 02/16/08 03:07 AM
Way to go! You'll get there.
Spelling is simple:
If he can spot mistakes you make while looking over your shoulder typing, if he can perform at spelling test at grade level, he just needs time. If he doesn't - he just needs spellchecker. Either way it's a nonissue. By the time he is in high school, he will be using spellchecker anyway. You are allowed to proof his papers in high school as well. It's a 5 minute job.

Keep that 2 to 1 ratio in your mind, and make sure twice as much emphasis is placed on developing strengths as remediating weaknesses, and he'll grow up strong!

Time does amazing things.
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