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Posted By: Artana Update on DS6 and developmental Opthomologist - 04/01/09 12:17 PM

I haven't posted my own thread in a while, but I wanted to share the information I received yesterday. My DS6 had gotten glasses from one developmental opthomologist, but did not like them (they were turned into bifocals and the doctor refused to change them back). So, I took my son to another doctor listed on the covd website.

DS6 has gotten some diagnosis of ADHD, but I have always felt there is a vision problem. He doesn't really look where I point. I had to show him how to look me in the eye by playing staring games with him, etc. Yesterday, the covd doctor tested him to see if he needed vision therapy while I watched through a two-way mirror. The issues were obvious. The doctor would flash numbers on the screen, and DS6 would not even try to guess what had been flashed. During a lot of the eye movement tests, you could see him get tired and really not want to do it anymore, even though he would become enthusiastic about the next test almost immediately.

Long story short, he's going to begin vision therapy on Saturday because the doctor is sure that his lack of focus is vision related. Up until now, he does well because he is bright enough to finish his work quickly and understand what the teacher is saying. He also does alright with faraway work, just not close up work. Eventually though, this would probably have caught up with him at school. The doctor said that DS6's way of dealing with the issues he has is avoidance, which is a bad coping strategy. He will be working with him to teach him better coping mechanisms.

I'm crossing my fingers that this helps.:)
Good luck Artana. Sounds like you have a very astute and caring doctor. I was worried about ADHD for DD6, but was told her lack of focus was due to her *giftedness* by the testing psyd.

I did notice a complete change in terms of her ability to focus on task after therapy. She's able to focus much longer and does much better on academic skill based tasks.

Her writing, printing also improved. Hope your DS has some good results. smile

Good luck! We were also very happy with the results from vision therapy.
That is great!! My dd7 started vision Therapy 10 weeks ago and the changes have been amazing! She too was one who avoided whatever made her uncomfortable. She has come a LONG way and is doing things that prior to therapy would have been avoided at all costs!

Good for you for finding a caring and competent DO for your child!
Thank you all for the encouragement.:) I worry when I make decisions like this.

It's nice to hear from other people who have seen results.:)
Hi Artana,

I'm glad to hear you are experiencing success. I'm curious what your son was dx with.

My younger son has amblyopia and had similar issues. In fact, he's very auditory and did not recognize symbols for a while. I spent a whole year training him to read properly and effectively while he can play a piano piece by ear without my help laugh.

I'm glad to see insurance companies picking up vision therapy because for us, it was not covered at all.

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