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Posted By: trit84 can someone retake one part of WPPSI-IV? - 01/23/18 09:37 PM
I am new here and new to the whole gifted thing. My 5 year old son took the WPPSI-iv on friday and scored very high 135. However the 1st thing the man said to me was he's at a loss because he had never seen someone score so low on the cancellation part, He gave him the lowest score possible. He went on to say that it made no sense at all because "cancellation and bug search" are pretty much the same, cancellation is just smaller and more random and my son scored 99% in bug search. I ask him if my sons eye sight could have played a roll ing it, he has something called Anisometropia and has no depth perception at all, and my son had been in there for 2 hours with out a break. He said that is very likely, that theres pretty much no other reason he would have missed all of them but like 3. He looked at the papers and said all of the dabs were "by" the items but not ON them so he couldn't count them.... This 0 on the cancellations was the make or break for him qualifying for the exceptionally gifted school here. if he would have just made a 5 on it could have gotten in. It would have raised his GIA to 140. clearly something happened and the only thing i can think of os his eyes.

we haven't gotten the final report but his scores are

verbal comprehension - 115
visual spatial - 130
fluid reasoning- 140
working memory - 115
processing speed **90**

GIA 135 (FSIQ)

processing speed is the bug search and cancellation, bug search he scored G+ and nothing on cancelation....

clearly something is wrong there.... can he retake just that part?? Thanks
Posted By: trit84 Re: can someone retake one part of WPPSI-IV? - 01/23/18 11:22 PM
If he would have fallen even under the adverage he would have had an FSIQ of 140+. He does wear glasses just got them about 8-10 months ago. Him putting it in the notes wouldn�t be enough to make him eligible for the exceptionally gifted school here. It requires minimum of 140
Posted By: aeh Re: can someone retake one part of WPPSI-IV? - 01/24/18 03:57 AM
Welcome to the forum!

No, one cannot retake any sections for formal scores. Not within 24 months, anyway. However, sometimes examiners retest for clinical information, such as in situations called "testing of limits". That wouldn't help you for GT qualifying scores, of course, as those are for qualitative information, not quantitative.

I should clarify, though, that you may be under some misapprehensions. Adding 5 scaled scores to a subtest will not raise the composite score by 5 points. That's not how it's calculated. Also, Cancellation is not included in the calculation of FSIQ. It affects only the PSI. So it's actually irrelevant to the presence or absence of a GT qualifying score. Thirdly, you report a GIA and an FSIQ as the same number. There is no GIA on the WPPSI-IV, but there is a GAI, which doesn't include any working memory or processing speed scores, and your reference to something like a GAI suggests that the examiner presented the GAI as the global measure. So a different score for Cancellation would not have affected your DC's outcomes with regard to qualifying scores at all.

On another note, his language reasoning skills on this test are just above average, and suggest that a language-heavy GT school (which many of them are) might not be an optimal fit for him at this time, even though he has strong visual spatial reasoning and fluid reasoning skills.

I agree with Portia that the more important takeaway is that he may need additional intervention for his vision.
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