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Posted By: greenlotus ASD? Giftedness? checklist and article - 05/12/16 03:55 PM
In my quest to learn more about ASD vs. typical gifted "quirkiness" I came across the 2 items below.They may have been mentioned here before, but they are new to me. It appears that several here are struggling to figure out their kid like I am so maybe these will be helpful.

Giftedness/Asperger’s Disorder Checklist (GADC)© Prereferral Checklist
Posted By: indigo Re: ASD? Giftedness? checklist and article - 05/12/16 05:05 PM
Just a quick note to add that the "Pre-Referral Checklist" which you linked is dated 2008. Because it dates to the time when DSM-IV was current, it mentions "Aspergers"; With the creation of DSM5 in 2013, this is now part of "Autism Spectrum Disorder" (ASD).

A few of the items on the checklist may be related to topics which have been recently discussed on the forums, and which future readers may want to explore:

1) Poor recall for names and faces.
May be related to Prosopagnosia (face-blindness) and/or Aphantasia (inability to visualize).

2) Limited recognition of others' emotions
Does not typically show empathy or concern for someone in need
may be related to conversations here, and also here (controversial). The ADOS is described on wikipedia here and recommended by another forum member here.

3) Demonstrates significant difficulty and lacks understanding of how to establish and keep friends.
There have been many threads listing resources for direct-teaching these skills when children are not picking up on them intuitively.

Discussion of the diagnostic criteria related to being on the autism spectrum (as presented here by the CDC) may sometimes result in controversy as some may interpret the descriptions differently.
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