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Posted By: Chicagomom Siblings - 05/08/16 06:21 PM
If you have more than one child, and both kids are 6+ years of age and were tested, what did you get in terms of score differences on full scale and different components?

I would like to get just a general idea. I don't need detailed scores. The research says that siblings are 10 points apart typically, but I think this is for the mean IQ population. Would be great to see what the gifted range is like in this area.

Also, if both of your kids are gifted, do you think this was more nurture or nature? Are you gifted yourself? Did you always think your kids would be gifted or it was a surprise?
Posted By: frannieandejsmom Re: Siblings - 05/08/16 06:51 PM
My kids full scale and GAI are 10 points apart. They have very similar profiles though. And now we suspect DS (whois scores are higher) may be 2E
Posted By: Loy58 Re: Siblings - 05/08/16 06:55 PM
We have 2 DYS who are 6+ years of age, with composite scores 1-3 points apart, depending on the measure. Areas of strength differ, however, and personalities are VERY different!

I suspect it is a combination of nature and nurture. Giftedness was not a surprise, but we did not know what to expect in terms of scores - this was a bit more of a surprise.
Posted By: puffin Re: Siblings - 05/08/16 07:00 PM
Mine tested 15 fsiq points apart. Both even profilles just one lower. The lower one is just below the DYS cut off.

I was surprised but that is because gifted is not something that existed in 1970's NZ so it never occurred to me that my family members were more than btight. Most of us are underachievers and i think i might be 2e - or i may just have maladaptive coping strategies.

I think gifted parents are more likely to discuss things questions with their kids and answer questions properly but that only accounts for knowledge not inherent skills. A kid with good verbal and reasoning skills at 5 is more likely to be noticed than an equally gifted child who starts school without skills.
Posted By: ajinlove Re: Siblings - 05/08/16 11:13 PM
My boys tested 28 points apart on FSIQ. They were very different toddlers and young children. The older one who had the lower score is very bright too and tested superior in the fluid reasoning subtest.

Both my DH and I have stronge areas but I don't think we are gifted. We exposed our kids to different things and provided the environment for them to learn so I would think both nurture and nature have helped the results.
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