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Posted By: BSM Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking - 12/09/15 03:39 PM
DS12 took this 6 months ago and we received the results yesterday. Interpreting the results is pretty difficult, as the district did not provide much guidance.

They are considering use of this test for placement in advanced classes in grades 3-8. This will not impact DS12, so his scores are effectively meaningless in terms of his ongoing schooling, but I'm curious about what the test says about him (and I'm also ready to take it with a grain of salt).

Any references or thoughts about this test?
Posted By: aeh Re: Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking - 12/10/15 02:39 AM
It's difficult to measure creativity, but this is about as good as it gets, even though it's one of the older tests. It does have a fair amount of research on it, including longitudinal studies tracking adult creative products. Generally, it is considered to be a good supplementary instrument, for including additional students into advanced programs (especially those from underrepresented populations), but not as an exclusionary instrument. That is, a student who doesn't perform exceptionally on a cognitive or achievement test (e.g., WISC, ITBS), but does on the Torrance, should be considered for inclusion in gifted programming, but a student who does well on cognitive or achievement testing, but not exceptionally well on the Torrance, should not be excluded because of the Torrance results.

There is discussion as to the value of interpreting the different scale areas, versus the composite score, with some support for one, two, or three factors.
Posted By: BSM Re: Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking - 12/10/15 03:45 PM
Thanks. It is not clear how our district plans on using the tests, and like I said it will not impact us. But since they sent us the results, I'd like to figure out what they mean. smile

In Googling for more info, it seems that even the experts are not 100% clear on how to interpret results.
Posted By: Loy58 Re: Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking - 12/10/15 07:21 PM
Meh...DD took this test (among many) during G&T testing. We never received detailed results, but it was the only test she didn't do extremely well on...and she is quite imaginative. It didn't keep her out of the program, but it sits in my mind as an odd little test that probably doesn't mean a great deal.
Posted By: aeh Re: Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking - 12/10/15 09:46 PM
Speed is a big factor on this test, so your deep, reflective type doesn't show to advantage on it.
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