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Posted By: blackcat Finally got dd approved for IEP! - 10/30/15 06:30 PM
Wow, what a ridiculous saga. I don't want to go into all the details but we had to have two school evaluations plus an IEE paid for by the school district (the IEE was on our side). Second school eval, at a new school, is writing her up as Other Health Disability/ADHD.

I don't know what services they are going to offer so my next step is to figure out what is reasonable. They concluded that she is fully capable of doing the work and has adequate skills, but is too unfocused and doesn't work within timelines, which I don't think is quite accurate (because of the information processing deficits).
Posted By: ElizabethN Re: Finally got dd approved for IEP! - 10/30/15 06:40 PM
Congratulations, blackcat! I know this has been a long time coming. I won't comment on the specifics you shared, since I know you're planning to delete them, but I did laugh out loud at the story that the teacher hadn't noticed.
Posted By: bluemagic Re: Finally got dd approved for IEP! - 10/30/15 06:48 PM
Great news. Sorry it was such a challenge for you to get this.
Posted By: eco21268 Re: Finally got dd approved for IEP! - 10/30/15 07:12 PM

(And OMG on the bookmark . That's one for the baby book--baby's first voodoo talisman.)
Posted By: Irena Re: Finally got dd approved for IEP! - 10/30/15 08:53 PM
This is such good news! I know how you feel, it does feel odd in a way to celebrate getting your child an iep ... but my DS benefits so very much from his. I hope your dd's school does as much. My DS has a fabulous resource teacher who is just so good to him (and all her spec-ed students) and really goes above and beyond and DS has had her for three of his four years. The IEP has been a God-send. His GIEP in some ways has also been a God-send but the regular IEP REALLY, REALLY helps him to have full access to his eduation. Good luck - I hope things keep going up for you all from here!
Posted By: BSM Re: Finally got dd approved for IEP! - 10/30/15 09:26 PM

As an IEP parent for two years, I can tell you that we still struggle. But this is a good first step. Most teachers and staff will try to follow the IEP. Some won't and you'll need to address that. Some people still won't appreciate your child's disability. But an IEP is a very powerful thing to have, and if it is what's best for your child, then I see no shame in it at all.
Posted By: blackcat Re: Finally got dd approved for IEP! - 10/30/15 09:57 PM
Thanks everyone. DS already has an IEP so I am not new to this. He is in a different category though. We had to fight to get his as well, and some teachers have been pretty good at following it, and others not so much.
Posted By: maisey Re: Finally got dd approved for IEP! - 10/30/15 10:35 PM
Good for you!

I have not had to fight for services in a long time. I know how stressful schools can make things for parents.

I wish you the best at the IEP meeting.
Posted By: Irena Re: Finally got dd approved for IEP! - 10/31/15 12:08 AM
I had to fight. I had to retain another attorney (I am an attorney and still couldn't get anywhere) to threaten to sue them. That was the end of 2nd grade. Now every one is wonderful. They spend a lot of time picking an appropriate teacher for DS, his iep is followed, his resource teacher is absolutely fantastic. Definitely worth the fight... but it was horrendously stressful getting here.
Posted By: blackcat Re: Finally got dd approved for IEP! - 10/31/15 12:18 AM
Irena--so the people you threatened to sue are now nice? I'm trying to imagine a situation where that could have happened at the old school in our situation, and can't. They will always be careless and incompetent, IMO, and always would have had an "attitude" about the fact that I'm one of "those" parents and I forced them to do things (like the eval) that they didn't want to do, and didn't see as necessary.

I am happy for you though! We haven't had any problems with this new school, and I think they are doing what they can to help although they are also trying very hard to be politically correct and not offend the other people who were involved with this.
Posted By: polarbear Re: Finally got dd approved for IEP! - 10/31/15 07:28 AM
Congrats blackcat!!!! I hope your IEP meeting goes well - sending lots of good thoughts your way.

Posted By: Mahagogo5 Re: Finally got dd approved for IEP! - 10/31/15 08:00 AM
Awesome news - hoping it works out well for your family!
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