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Posted By: Laurie918 adhd vs. OE - 10/25/15 05:11 PM
Met with an OT re: DD10 (twin a)regarding final test report. Comment was made that this new tester still hadn't clarified if what was seen was adhd vs. overexcitabilities. Daughter starts bouncing on yoga ball and getting all hyper anytime we start doing any type of school work (which isn't much since we are trying to give them a break to recover). Same behaviour that was reported when she was in school. We are at a point where we are considering adhd medication. However from my understanding, the adhd meds won't address overexcitabilities. Do we just try a round of medication testing for the adhd and see if it works? Anyone else in this boat?
Posted By: blackcat Re: adhd vs. OE - 10/25/15 06:34 PM
Here is a link to wikipedia, look under "signs and symptoms". A person doesn't need to have all of the symptoms, but a certain number of them to be diagnosed and there are different types of ADHD. Some kids are mainly impulsive/hyper and others may be mainly inattentive. DS's pediatrician did a "provisional diagnosis" since he was borderline, to see if meds would help, The problem with this approach is that meds are usually started at a low dose and then gradually raised, and you are not going to know if it's just the low dose that doesn't work, or if it's really not ADHD. We did a trial of meds but even on the low doses DS wasn't eating and I didn't see that much of a difference, so we stopped. With DD who has a more severe case, the results of the meds are more obvious (although I don't think there would be much difference on the lowest dose). FWIW, DD is very "over-excitable" and she does calm down a lot on the meds and she isn't as up and down emotionally. In her case I think the "over-excitablity" is actually imnpaired executive functioning and the meds help to stabilize that.

Posted By: DeeDee Re: adhd vs. OE - 10/26/15 01:31 AM
Honestly? I don't believe in OEs. Usually they're a cover to avoid diagnosing a 2E problem.

Did the OT test, or is the OT commenting on the testing done by someone else? I would go to a neuropsychologist for this.
Posted By: Laurie918 Re: adhd vs. OE - 10/26/15 01:09 PM
We have had 3 neuropsych exams over the years. All three essentially said "well her hyperness could be adhd". The last one said DD has OE and could possibly have adhd. OT is trying to figure out how to help. I am questioning if adhd meds might be able to help differentiate. DD does have CAPD and stealth dyslexia as well.
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