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Posted By: bluemagic I'm flabergasted - 06/03/15 04:36 PM
I honestly didn't expect this. My son has been approved for time & a half on almost all College Board tests. Including extra time for the essay part of the SAT. Everyone I talked to said it's very hard to get this accommodation out of College Board I really honestly expected my request to be denied. This is includes the PSAT next fall, most AP tests, and the Math Subject test he takes this weekend. I filled out the paperwork months ago, and I had honestly forgotten about it. The school called me this week to say College Board should have responded earlier and they would put a rush on the decision because of this weekends test.
Posted By: aeh Re: I'm flabergasted - 06/03/15 04:49 PM
That's great! You must have submitted good documentation. Once our school started documenting disabilities and classroom accommodations meticulously in the application, our success rate for SAT/ACT accommodations went way up, to the point that our students are routinely approved for almost all requested accommodations.

All the best to your son for this weekend's testing.
Posted By: bluemagic Re: I'm flabergasted - 06/03/15 06:40 PM
I'll admit it feel a bit like cheating. I have to keep telling myself it's not. And not only does he get time & 1/2 but because of the accommodations he will be taking the test in a conference room with only the proctor.
Posted By: polarbear Re: I'm flabergasted - 06/03/15 07:02 PM
That's awesome blue!

To be honest, I'm not surprised. Your ds has a diagnosed disability and recent testing/documentation. You did exactly what you needed to do to advocate for him. I think a lot of the requests that are turned down come from people who really haven't done the legwork of getting what is requested for documentation.

Good luck to your ds this weekend!

Posted By: Cookie Re: I'm flabergasted - 06/03/15 07:17 PM
My guidance counselor said students with autism and proper documentation are getting college board accommodations almost 100%. Other disabilities are a bit more hit or miss and need more documentation. My son took his fist psat (a 9th grader invited to take it) without and left tons unanswered. He took ap test with accommodations and had no problem finishing. Next year he should have extra time on PSAT so I hope he does better.
Posted By: momtofour Re: I'm flabergasted - 06/05/15 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by bluemagic
I'll admit it feel a bit like cheating. I have to keep telling myself it's not.

As a parent of a child about the same age, who isn't getting accommodations, let me reassure you that I DO NOT consider it even remotely like cheating, and almost all my friends feel the same way. We know a few kids with ADHD and autism who are very gifted but need extra time, and if anything, we feel bad that they have to test under conditions so not conducive to showing how smart they are (one is actually quite brilliant, but would probably need triple the time to show it). You should feel really proud for successful advocacy!
Posted By: eco21268 Re: I'm flabergasted - 06/05/15 09:43 AM
This was so good to read. You've done a good job! I hope the tests go well for your DS. As for feeling like it's cheating: it's not "fair" to have the disabilities, either. I'm all for accommodating to try to make things best for kids.

I remember hearing in some education class--if a child is on fire, you don't refuse to put the fire out because it wouldn't be fair to the other children. Fair is giving children the supports they need to do their best.
Posted By: chris1234 Re: I'm flabergasted - 06/05/15 06:59 PM
that is great to read, as we will be there in about 3 more years.
Posted By: bluemagic Re: I'm flabergasted - 06/06/15 07:31 PM
DS took the test this morning. He came back and said it felt like cheating. The school intern that helped us this week turned out to be wrong and he had to show up at the normal testing site. But he did get his own room & his own proctor. He said the test felt easier than the sample tests he practiced on & that it did help to have the low stress of being in a quite room without as much time constraint. Crossing my fingers this will translate to a good score. It's only the SAT SUBJECT Math test but it's a good warm up to the PSAT in the fall.
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