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Posted By: Melessa Results are in.... - 05/07/13 08:40 PM
Feeling overwhelmed.
VCI 144
PRI 125
WMI 110
PSI. 118
FSIQ 133
GAI 142
Total achievement 134
All scores 99%, except academic skills 99.8
So, great, right?

Then, heard more at length about significant vision problem (already awaiting appt with developmental optometrist), poor fine motor skills- need OT help (is within normal range now; but as writing demands increase, he will lag behind), and self- regulation sensory issue and some other minimal sensory issues- try sensory camp (can't transition between activities well, gets very overexcited, hyper and can't transition easily to quieter activity).

Don't get me wrong, I will do whatever ds needs, just overwhelmed. We were told obviously, that these weaknesses definitely affected score. Although scores fell short, tester felt he was much more HG than MG- saying that he is probably very different from kids the school sees. (I know many of you have kids light years more gifted than mine.)

Tester also said ds was very sensitive (self and world) and does not handle stress well. Perfectionist having internal struggle with poor output compared to age peers. Gives up or refuses when things are too easy, but thrives in a challenge, complex problems.

I'm sure some things will get better with the therapies. Just hoping we can get a teacher who like this kid and challenges him.

So, we meet with the school later this week with recommendations from tester. Hope things go well. Please send positive thoughts.
Thank you for "listening"!
Posted By: HappilyMom Re: Results are in.... - 05/07/13 09:05 PM
WOW Melessa! So glad you have some numbers to prove what you knew and some detail to respond to issues school may raise! It is a strange feeling to start getting "hard" evidence about what you already knew to be true. I hope this is a huge first step towards getting all he needs! We are heading for round 2 of vision testing tonight... I'm so curious to see what impacts we find.
Posted By: Melessa Re: Results are in.... - 05/08/13 02:48 AM
HappilyMom- thanks for your thoughts. Yes, this is the beginning. Hopefully, we're heading in the right direction. Will be on the lookout for how things are going for you and your dc.
Posted By: Lovemydd Re: Results are in.... - 05/08/13 12:26 PM
Melessa, those are GREAT scores. Congratulations! Hope you can find the resources needed to address the issues that are limiting him from reaching his full potential. Sending lots of good wishes your way:)
Posted By: Melessa Re: Results are in.... - 05/08/13 10:12 PM
Thanks lovemydd.
Posted By: bronalex Re: Results are in.... - 05/09/13 01:03 AM
I just wanted to say those are great scores especially with having other issues. My son's WISC score were so scattered, that his GAI is pretty meaningless (it came to 129 but I don't buy that. His WJ-III was 143). He has significant vision issues as well so I'm hoping when he completes VT to get retested and see if his score go up.

Good luck!
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