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On Monday, my 12-year-old (dyslexia, dysgraphia, auditory processing issues, working memory issues, Asperger's traits) finally got the green light to start using the voice recorder in his iPod during class to start making notes and reminders about new and missing assignments.

It is working wonderfully. Other than all of them starting with "Captain's Star Date Log ...", they're all very to the point with all the details he needs. He plays them when he gets home and starts his homework.

For any of you looking for a tool that puts your kiddo in the driver's seat for managing his work and schedule, I'd highly recommend voice reminders.
That's great!
YAY!!! I'm so glad the school let your ds use it!!!

Originally Posted by ABQMom
Other than all of them starting with "Captain's Star Date Log ...", they're all very to the point with all the details he needs.

Lisa, your DS cracks me up. It's great that the school is coming closer to accommodating his needs.

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