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Posted By: ElizabethN DYS application sent - 09/02/12 05:43 AM
DD8's DYS application is sent. (I embarrassed myself by clicking "send" before I was done attaching documents, and had to re-do it with the right set. I'm sure - I hope - they won't hold it against her.)

Her GAI, recalculated with extended norms, was 153, and her WJ-III Broad Math was 148. I really hope she gets in, and I assume that she probably will with those scores. (Right? I could use some reassurance here...)
Posted By: hinotes Re: DYS application sent - 09/02/12 12:04 PM
Congratulations on getting the application in! GAI is great. That is how my daughter's is, Her GAI is over the number needed to get in and her verbal score was over. I also sent in a portfolio. Best of luck and feel good about getting the application in! Yay, you!
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