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Posted By: leahchris Update - had IEP meeting - 08/17/12 07:17 PM
Just a quick update.

What was going to be a "paperwork" meeting turned into an initial IEP meeting for DGS 6. I thought it went well, except the special services coordinator was a little reluctant to provide all the services the committee thought he might need. However, the school psychologist, school counselor and elementary principal overruled her and he is beginning a comprehensive evaluation.

His last year's teacher will get to spend 10 minutes each day with him. The school counselor who helped him so much last year was approved for twice weekly pullout time with him this year. The special ed teacher has provided DGS' regular teacher with some "fidgets" to help with concentration and the special ed resource room has been designated as a "safe" room if DGS anxiety gets too much for the classroom.

Also, the school psychologist explained the difference between fair and equal to DGS' teacher so DGS will be able to sit on his knees instead of his bottom if he needs to, can stand at his table and can even move to the sofa if he needs to (as long as it isn't an attempt to get out of work and is anxiety related.) He won't be expected to sit still, because he can't.

The other thing the meeting did was put DGS under the "umbrella" of special services so his attendance issue for the various outside therapies will not be an issue now.

So far, so good. Now we just need the school to follow through.

Thanks for the encouragement and I will take any advice I can get on where to go from here.

BTW, the school psychologist really thinks, after looking at DGS' diagnoses that we are looking at Asperger's. We are doing comprehensive rating scales this weekend and the teachers are doing theirs as well.

Posted By: Grinity Re: Update - had IEP meeting - 08/18/12 09:39 AM
Thanks for posting. Good to hear that the school is taking his needs seriously. Sit down and send an edited version of the above post to all the adults and say: This is what I heard. Please reply and confirm that this is what you said.

Now it is all ablout documentation and remindiing everyone and tracking if it happens.

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