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Posted By: ElizabethN Seeking the positive - 07/08/12 09:12 PM
So DD8 came home from Girl Scout camp on Friday. Looking at her "activity sheet," I'm not sure whether to be pleased or mortified. It begins:
DD made a special effort not to scream at adults.
Posted By: DeeDee Re: Seeking the positive - 07/08/12 10:28 PM
LOL. We take our blessings mixed.

Posted By: Iucounu Re: Seeking the positive - 07/08/12 10:29 PM
Oh, my goodness. Well, as long as that sentence isn't followed by "However, she did not make an effort not to rob any local banks" or some such, I guess it's somewhat positive.
Posted By: jack'smom Re: Seeking the positive - 07/08/12 10:56 PM
Some kids do not do well or like Scouting. There is alot of regimentation in Scouting. It can be extremely frustrating or annoying for alot of kids. We are very involved in Cub Scouts and go with our kids (ages 7 and 9) to Cub Scout camp. I've told my 9 year old that when it's time for Boy Scout camp, mom will be there too (on the sidelines, in a separate tent). It could be that is what the comments are getting at.
Posted By: Nik Re: Seeking the positive - 07/08/12 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by ElizabethN
So DD8 came home from Girl Scout camp on Friday. Looking at her "activity sheet," I'm not sure whether to be pleased or mortified. It begins:
DD made a special effort not to scream at adults.

LOl, my DD once asked me "do you have any idea how much self control I am using not to scream at you right now?" I was dumfounded. But in her mind this was praiseworthy. I'd be curious about the specifics that led to that comment being placed on her activity sheet.
Posted By: HowlerKarma Re: Seeking the positive - 07/09/12 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by ElizabethN
So DD8 came home from Girl Scout camp on Friday. Looking at her "activity sheet," I'm not sure whether to be pleased or mortified. It begins:
DD made a special effort not to scream at adults.




um.... good?

Relative to the alternative, I suppose it is. LOL!!

That's pretty funny. grin
Posted By: intparent Re: Seeking the positive - 07/09/12 01:29 AM
As jacks'mom said, not every kid is cut out for scouting. My older D was a Girl Scout from K-12, Gold Award recipient, and really enjoyed it. Second D (PG) was just not cut out for it... she did not scream at the adults, but clearly was bored silly a lot of the time. If she weren't so introverted, she might very well have screamed! I feel no qualms about saying this, as I was older D's scout leader for about 10 years, and second D's for a couple of the years when she was in scouts. She went to scout camp, but did not fit in well. We had similar issues with 4H. Eventually she found activities she loves, so there would be no need to scream. smile
Posted By: Michaela Re: Seeking the positive - 07/09/12 02:07 AM
I have occaisionally asked DH for praise for managing not to shout at him. No-one ever put it on a report card, though wink

Posted By: ABQMom Re: Seeking the positive - 07/09/12 02:35 AM
I think the thing I like best is that the person filling out the sheet was blue to discern that your kiddo put extraordinary effort controlling the urge to scream at adults...
Posted By: ElizabethN Re: Seeking the positive - 07/09/12 02:38 AM
Actually, DD adores Girl Scouting, and loves camp - I don't think that's really a problem. In fact, I'm taking the comment at face value, as more or less a good thing. She's working very hard not to scream at adults (although I still pick up the brunt of it). I'm pleased that they at least recognized that that can be difficult for her, and praised the effort.

She is more than a little frustrating to live with, though. We finally see the neuropsych this Thursday (appointment made in February). I'm hoping she can steer us in the right direction, because this is exhausting.

ETA: Crossed with ABQMom, who made the same point. Thanks!
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