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Posted By: DeHe IEP dysgraphia, vision follow up - 07/03/12 06:21 PM
So I wanted to post a follow up to my previous 10000 posts about my DS issues and to say thanks for everyone's help moving forward and sorting things out.

So DS6 got the IEP for OT and is doing that with the school OT. He only did a few weeks with her so no improvement there yet. There was a bit of push back on dysgraphia or dyslexia, I didn't use those terms and they really seemed to think it was mostly physical in terms of tone and his core. But the OT did notice a vision issue in translating 3d shapes and his peripheral vision seemed not sharp. So they recommeded testing.

So we went to a teaching hospital for eye stuff and they were fantastic - the in training dr did all the prelim stuff and for an hour and half this young woman answered all his questions, raised her level of detail with him and was just awesome. She got him so quickly! The dr was great too. Upshot there - there is something there - I don't have the report yet because she wants to do another set of tests (naturally not covered by insurance) and then have the whole report. But what she told me was that he was beyond one standard deviation of difference, but not two, in terms of how well he does stuff - like tracking, he could read a column of numbers down quite quickly but not across, and when there were spaces, he had an even harder time but he could do it. It's hard to say what it's impacting and if it's an issue with the writing, or if writing is just physical and this was just caught because of the Iq testing having all those shapes.

So we will do the next level of testing but her recommendation was to be conservative rather than aggressive to see how it resolves before going forward with VT But we feel very good about the testing and knowing and the way forward.

Posted By: Grinity Re: IEP dysgraphia, vision follow up - 07/03/12 07:50 PM
Great news about getting the OT, and the VT.
Does the VT doc think that there is anything that can be done to help his vision?
Great to hear -
Posted By: DeHe Re: IEP dysgraphia, vision follow up - 07/03/12 10:45 PM
The dr thought the vision therapy would likely help but since he is not bothered by it in any obvious way she was willing to wait and see if he catches up. But that's why she also recommended the follow up test, to see if we could further identify where it does bother him if at all. So basically she is recommending watching it, and further testing but none of the therapy that could be done, at this time, until we know further how he is processing what he sees, which I guess is this future testing.

Posted By: Lori H. Re: IEP dysgraphia, vision follow up - 07/04/12 04:27 PM
I wish I could afford vision therapy for my son. He is 14 and he still has some vision issues. He is really good with algebra but I think geometry might be a problem because he sometimes has trouble sometimes seeing size differences.
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