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Posted By: chris1234 Went for first, great teacher, so far! - 09/08/11 11:41 PM
Dd5 started 1st on Tuesday, and so far.... all is great! I have chatted with the teacher once, emailed, and she sent a great response that dd was having a wonderful first day.

She even called apparently EVERY parent to let them know how the class was going so far. Pretty amazing.

Keeping fingers crossed this isn't some bait and switch, lol!

I got a chance to glance at the first few chapters in the math book, and I think dd has that in the bag, she did pick up the pace with reading towards the end of the summer, post-glasses, so I made the final decision to take the plunge and keep her on the track that so far has been doing well for her (K was 1 year early and a great fit).
Here's wishing you a great year!
Originally Posted by chris1234
She even called apparently EVERY parent to let them know how the class was going so far. Pretty amazing.

That's a caring teacher. My favorite teacher from our last school did that too. I'm wishing you and DC a great year and Good Work with placement!
Posted By: Sunflower Re: Went for first, great teacher, so far! - 11/04/11 03:08 PM
Great job. 5 years old? 1st. Wish your dd the great year.
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