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I would appreciate any book suggestions for DS7, entering 3rd grade in fall. He is voracious reader but sensitive to anything "scary." I am particularly concerned with appropriate content. Some of his recent favorites include the first three Harry Potter books, "A Whole Nother Story" by Dr. Cuthbert Soup, anything Roald Dahl, "The Familiars," "The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles" and "Dragon Rider" by Cornelia Funke
Interesting that he is reading those, as I would consider many of those on the "scary" end of the spectrum for kids books (esp. Roald Dahl and HP). If he is okay with those, he is probably okay with most anything that would be recommended out here. There are some other book threads that you might find useful: (started as a thread for 10 year olds, but there are some possible recommendations in here)

http://giftedissues.davidsongifted....e_books_you_read_when_you.html#Post98082 (this is a nice thread, has some suggestions of books that have been around for a long time but are still great) (there might be a few suggestions in this one)
Thanks for the suggestions - it is interesting what he finds scary. I tried "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" in the last year and the white witch scared him. Did not seem to mind the first 3 HP books - I have held him on these as they get scarier.
The wimpy kid series might be a good bet, anything on mythology, or perhaps the Percy Jackson and the olympians series? It is pretty in-line with the early HP books in scariness level ("peril" and parents dying (then coming back)) <-- the parents dying part would be more frightening for my kids, anything 'real world' seems to get them more thoughtful than the really out-there monsters.

Also, just thought of George's Secret key to the universe, if he likes astronomy, or even if the doesn't. DS loved it when he was in 3rd and said it was a good story/funny. And he just finished 'Science Fair', recommended on this forum. Dave Barry co-wrote, so it is pretty funny.
Thanks again for the suggestions - I will definitely preview them
Your son and my daughter(8) sound very similar. She has similar tastes in books and similar sensitivities.

She loved the Owls of Gahoule series(sorry the spelling may be off), currently she is reading the Warriors series by Erin Hunter - I would have thought these would have been too much for her, but she doesn't seem to be bothered by them. She also loves the Bobbsey Twins and Nancy Drew books. We don't have any Hardy boys books here at home, so I don't know if she would like these too, but I suspect she would.

I can't keep up with her reading any more, so DH or I skim random parts of the books she picks and see if we think they are appropriate. She has gotten really good about stopping a book if it is getting too much for her.

She is desperate to read the rest of the Harry Potter series, but like you we haven't let her read past book 3.
She read Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, she liked it, but hasn't gotten any more of them from the library, so I'm not sure what was up with that series.

She also read a book called the Red Pyramid in school, and loved it. She wants to get it and can't wait for the next one in the series to come out.

Have fun searching - it can get pretty tricky. I have found a few librarians who have been great finding books for her, so you could ask around too.
Red Pyramid sequel is out. My son is reading it. I like the Percy books better. Son likes anything by Rick Roirdan.
Great we'll have to look for it this weekend!
DD7 enjoyed some of the Paddington Bear series. They're safe yet written in a more sophisticated writing style. According to, "Paddington at Large" is intended for ages 3-8 but has a Lexile score of 1160, or about a 9th-grade reading level. I remember her laughing out loud a couple of times, which is always a good sign.

Stuart Little was another safe book she liked.
We absolutely loved the Paddington Bear books!
Non-fiction can be a good choice, if there are any particular interests other than reading smile
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