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If you write a college essay based on what you’ve learned from the Purpose Challenge toolkit, you can submit it for the chance to win money for college!

Five winners will each receive $5,000, and one winner will receive a grand prize of $25,000, to help pay for college.

Lots of college essay question prompts are perfect opportunities to reflect on your purpose. (Check out some examples in the widely used 2017-2018 Common Application.)

Just follow the essay-writing tips in the Purpose Challenge toolkit and adapt to your chosen essay question.

Once you complete the Purpose Challenge, you’ll be invited to submit your essay.

Entries are due by February 1, 2018.
Official rules

Beyond the contest, students may find the information on this website helpful for self-reflection, meaningful conversation with parents, staying grounded and goal-oriented despite adversity, and for writing a college admissions essay... at any time.
- Sample activity
- Video: The Purpose Challenge
- Purpose Challenge Toolkit
© Gifted Issues Discussion Forum