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Posted By: Speechie take your breath away days - 11/04/09 11:01 PM
Do you have days when you are in denial of your child's giftedness and then they do something that slaps it to the forefront again and your mind is reeling for a moment?


I'll share mine- my 2 year old son is showing amazing awareness of language- asking for the meaning of certain words then applying them in novel sentences.

But the other day he was sitting on the deck eating lunch- he said, "we're having a picnic.", I said, "yep, a picnic".
My child, who is named NICK, smiles and laughs and says, "PICK NICK! Pick NICK!HAHAHAHAHAHA" like it's the funniest thing ever. He mead his first verbal pun, I think. At 25 mos old....

Please tell me you have days when you convince yourself your LO is ND and then they do something that takes your breath away.
Posted By: no5no5 Re: take your breath away days - 11/04/09 11:54 PM
It's been a while since I've been in denial (though I still have HG+ denial sometimes), but I still have those moments. Like yesterday, when I was cutting up an apple for DD3.5. She asked me why we can't eat the apple core, and I explained. Then she said, "I don't like apple cores. But I like the Earth's core!" and proceeded to tell me all about it. I guess she read about it in one of the volcano books I checked out from (and returned to) the library months ago. grin
Posted By: amazedmom Re: take your breath away days - 11/05/09 04:54 AM
Today dh asked DD 2.7 "what is your favorite dinosaur?"

Her response...."There are no more dinosaurs on earth daddy so they are extinct. They all died out." While looking at him like he was nuts for not knowing this LOL.

DD also decided today that we should all be "contestents" in her conests she was making up. She had a silliest contest where you had o have funny mustaches, a music contest (her instrument was a trumpet) and a dance contest in which she descrbed in detail each dance move you had to do. It was SO indepth....we are talking 15 minutes of discriptions....and some of the words she used blew my mind!

It is awsome when you have those moments. I still am in denial, but moments like these just shock me back into reality
Posted By: newmom21C Re: take your breath away days - 11/07/09 03:48 AM
I was going through some serious denial recently. Then DD (almost 10 months) did something that knocked my socks off. She points a lot in general either when she wants something or if she wants to know the word for something. But then last week she started pointing at words! At first I thought it was an accident but now she's clearly pointing at words in books to figure out their meaning. shocked

I know I was an early reader myself, but nowhere even remotely close to this!
Posted By: Katelyn'sM om Re: take your breath away days - 11/08/09 06:26 AM
I think I have become numb to a lot of what my DD does. I just expect it and accept it as her, but my mouth dropping moment of this week was when I picked her up from her new school which is a Spanish Immersion program. She started there this week. She was upset that they made her lie down for nap time and I watched as her teacher was talking to her and asking her questions all in Spanish and she was answering (all in English) with no problems. We had sent her to their summer camp for 3 weeks this past summer and they informed us on the 3rd day that they were impressed with her comprehension. We are not a bilingual family so she was not really introduced to Spanish until this summer and not much since the summer program. She clearly just has the natural ability to pick it up. Wish I did!
Posted By: RobotMom Re: take your breath away days - 11/08/09 01:01 PM
DH and I are often focused on DD6 and her HG stuff so when we think about DD21months we think of her in terms of her big sister. (I know, not thing you're suppose to do but...) One big difference between them is their verbal skills. DD6 was an early speaker but DD21mths wasn't nearly as early.
So, last week DH comes downstairs to have lunch with us and he comes around the corner into the kitchen and says hi to DD21mths who is sitting in her highchair, and asks what she is doing. Her response was "(name) eating snack, DD6 suppose to be eating too" We were rolling because she was right! DD6 was being goofy rolling on the floor and not eating like she was suppose to be.
Posted By: Skylersmommy Re: take your breath away days - 11/08/09 04:17 PM
I love hearing about all these kids, and being able to relate. All I can say is enjoy it, if you can write it down in their baby books to reminisce with later. smile
Posted By: JJsMom Re: take your breath away days - 11/09/09 06:58 PM
DS5.5, DD4, DH and I were sitting on DS's bed last night doing/reading an I Spy book. One of the things in the riddle to find was "an eye on an ear"... or something extremely similar to that.

Anyway, DS, with absolutely no hesitation, and mind you the page we are on is one of the ones with a million small objects on it (and we do not let DC skip ahead to read the next clue), yells, "right there" pointing to a corn on the cob with arms & legs, etc...

Now, it's common knowledge in our house that corn on the cob is an ear of corn, but the way the whole scene flowed left DH and I stunned. LOL.
Posted By: Dandy Re: take your breath away days - 11/09/09 07:43 PM
The verbal puns these kids make/get are mind-boggling.

Love this one.
Posted By: BinB Re: take your breath away days - 11/09/09 08:23 PM
@Skylersmommy - agree! We've been jotting down funny and insightful things DS (6) has said since he could talk, and he loves to look back on them with us, even though he can't remember most of the incidents himself.

I often forget DS is "special" because he just is who he is. But he does still floor me from time to time with the things he says. He is very passionate right now about "saving the earth" - he's our Green Monitor ("Mom, you left the bathroom light on!") and loves to recycle. He even joined his school's environmental group all on his own (and then informed me a couple of days later).

A few months ago, DS (then 5) and I were walking past the back of a restaurant, and he noticed some scraps of metal on the ground near the dumpster. When he bent down to pick them up to recycle, I quickly said "No, no - that's really dirty" and then launched into a lecture on why it's important to keep your hands clean (this was when swine flu first hit the news and was freaking everybody out).

When I finished my spiel, he thought for a moment and then said, "You know, Mom, if I get swine flu, that's just one person dead. But if we don't save the earth, everybody will die."

Startling to hear from a 5-year-old, but profoundly true... I hope he never loses sight of the big picture.
Posted By: Austin Re: take your breath away days - 01/20/10 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by Katelyn'sM om
We are not a bilingual family so she was not really introduced to Spanish until this summer and not much since the summer program. She clearly just has the natural ability to pick it up. Wish I did!

Mr W has not seen his "Spanish Grandma" for several months and we have not spoken much to him. Tonight she was over and they were all atwitter with each other. We have number of rituals we do with him in the evening and he was doing them with her in Spanish.

It IS pretty amazing how he can shift back and forth.

Posted By: Katelyn'sM om Re: take your breath away days - 01/20/10 05:19 PM
Awww... thanks for sharing that Austin. It still amazes me how quickly they can jump between the languages. In the past month DD has forged ahead. She is now speaking to her teachers in Spanish and is willing to do basic Spanish for us at home, such as count to twenty and manners (Thank you, Please, etc).
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