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Posted By: willagayle what do IQ tests test? - 08/14/06 06:04 AM
What do IQ tests test?

What exactly does the VCI test? My impression is that it tests the intellectual ability to reason when taking information in verbally and outputing it verbally. Our school district psychologist and gifted director both think it only tests vocabulary.

My impression is the PRI tests this reason when information is taken in visually and output is motor (fine motor) on two of the scales and verbal on another.

PSI is testing processing speed and can be very slow in highly gifted children and is not a good indicator of gifted intelligence.

WMI is testing the working memory and tests how a child can hold information and manipulate information simultaneously. It again can be very low in highly gifted kids and is not a good indicator of gifted intelligence.

Correct me if I'm wrong...add more information....tell me I'm right-ish:^)!

What are we testing???
Posted By: Grinity Re: what do IQ tests test? - 08/14/06 10:03 AM
It sounds like your talking about WISCIV, yes?
I agree that there is more to VCI than vocabulary. Volcabulary does hold an historical honored role as the single best indicator of general intelligence - but obviously this view is more narrow than my own.

WMI is also called on to access "ADHD" and distractibility - although I think there is some more complicated grouping of subtests called freedom of distractibility. Again, some feel gifted kids can ace these tests and still have significant trouble with distractibility. ((shrug))
Posted By: willagayle Re: what do IQ tests test? - 08/14/06 10:27 AM
We are working on getting further testing. We are having a hard time getting it in a timely fashion.

I just think the school districts "verbally precocious" doesn't do it all for the iq thingy.

I used to administer the WISC III and the WAIS, back in the late 80s early 90s to kids and adults with reading disorders. You are correct, there is only one section that uses fine motor on the PRI. I stand corrected. When I administered the WISC III, I don't think the WMI was a component, or we just didn't use if for the studies we were working on.

The comprehension, is not just social, but a logical reasoning from what I understand. It is somewhat comparable to the MAT for adults; which is a written version of comprehension. It is, as is the WISC, cultually biased, too.

My kids have a major cultural negative on any testing because our home and family life is strongly Indian. So, social awareness is definitely different. It would impact their performance on the subtests that involve analogies or social information.

We are trying to get in with Ruf, but we are also looking into maybe taking them to the Eides or Belin-Blank. It's just that everyone we need to talk to is on vacation!! Literally!!! sigh.
Posted By: willagayle Re: what do IQ tests test? - 08/14/06 03:04 PM
yup Dottie...comprehension was Mite's highest score. PSI and WMI were the worst.
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