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Posted By: Aldroe Chandler AZ? - 01/27/14 01:23 AM
Hi, I have seen a few comments on Arizona programs, any recent inputs? My daughter will be going into 5th grade and will be new, she was accepted into gifted program but not finding much info. There is Knox or the schools that pull them out for classes. They also have a traditional school you can choose but it is not gifted. Also trying determine the differences between that program and gifted. Anyone have any experience to share? Thank you, we are new to gifted....have been overseas the past 4 years.
Posted By: sundevil Re: Chandler AZ? - 03/05/14 01:34 PM
Hi Aldroe,

I grew up near Chandler and would be happy to share any information you would like about the area. When my DS7 was younger, I did a lot of research on gifted programs in the Phoenix Area, and I was most impressed with the well-rounded approach of the Knox Academy. That is where I would have sent him, but unfortunately we moved out of state (to a state without gifted programs).

I have friends who chose to keep their children in the pullout program at their local school instead of sending them to Knox. I would consider that option for a moderately gifted child, but I think a highly gifted child would do better at Knox.

Feel free to PM me, if you would like more details.

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