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Posted By: Faithhopelove19 Babyhood level of giftedness?? - 06/26/09 07:15 AM
so i have 3 kids DD4.5yrs DS2.5yrs DD7.5mo.....
my oldest child was super early on motor skills...

my middle child was early/within normal range on motor skills but early with speach....

my youngest child is earlyer then either of the others on motor skills and speach and has well surpassed what the others were doing at her age...

so my question is will my youngest then be more gifted or of higher IQ then her siblings? or will it even out and she just happens to be early?
Posted By: keet Re: Babyhood level of giftedness?? - 06/26/09 01:26 PM
On this site, "gifted" usually refers to "intellectually gifted." There are also gifted atheletes, gifted artists, etc. In addition, an intellectually gifted child may have a delay, in speech, gross motor, etc.

IMO, you can't tell if your child is intellectually gifted based on walking, and you can't rule it out based on talking. You also can't compare kids based on when they did either. I think you'll just have to wait and see.

Now if your child is READING at 7.5 months, I think you could make a case for giftedness.
Posted By: MsFriz Re: Babyhood level of giftedness?? - 06/26/09 01:57 PM
I agree with Keet. There have been several threads on this forum about whether there is an association between motor skill development and giftedness, and from my recollection, posters usually report their kids being all over the place in terms of when they spoke, walked, etc. My son developed normally in terms of speech and might even have been a little behind on motor skills but was reading easy readers by 2 1/2.
Posted By: Faithhopelove19 Re: Babyhood level of giftedness?? - 06/26/09 02:06 PM
i already believe the older two are gifted so im pretty sure the baby will be as well i was just wondering if this could be a sign she may be even more gifted then the other two kids... perhaps i worded it wrong..
but thanks for your response and you are absolutly right because my oldest daughter actually said many words at a year then stoped talking till she turned two then started talking in clear full sentences where her younger brother started talking in 3-4word sentence at 14mo. and then went from at this point i have no clue whos the more inteligent of the 2 they both are super adavanced verbally and advanced in other areas that interest them (my 4yr old reads and loves to invent things)
lol i guess its a wait and see kinda thing i just feel like im in for some trouble w/ this baby she just seems to smart for her little tiny briches lol
Posted By: Kriston Re: Babyhood level of giftedness?? - 06/26/09 02:16 PM
From what I've read, there is a *tendency* for kids who are early virtually across the board to be GT. But that does NOT mean that kids who are not early at everything will be not-GT. (If that makes sense...)

More than anything, I think parents who suspect GTness (and are being really honest with themselves) are usually correct, so if you are using a critical eye and still suspect GTness in your youngest, you're probably right.

FWIW, I had my first inklings of GTness in my older son when he was about that same age--8mos. He used logic to reason out the boundaries of a rule before he could walk or really speak more than a word or two, and then he followed the rule. I was pretty sure that was unusual... So it is certainly possible to see some early evidence.
Posted By: melmichigan Re: Babyhood level of giftedness?? - 06/26/09 03:03 PM
My first child walked on average but talked really well very early and is GT. My oldest twin walked late, talked average and is GT. My oldest son talked very late, he's in speech therapy, he is believed to be GT. Now that he can be understood.

My younger twin may eventually be recognized as GT, maybe not, she has CP, she doesn't read yet and we are waiting to have her tested. She also had some eye problems so that may have effected her as well. The baby is just that, a baby.
Posted By: Faithhopelove19 Re: Babyhood level of giftedness?? - 06/27/09 08:09 AM
that makes perfect sence i know just within my three kids they are all very different and they have all amazed me in many ways over the past 4yrs...

and yes i am my own worse critic its taken me a very long time to except my other two childrens giftedness i have finaly decided they probably are because i just cant ignore that when looking at them i see a 4yr old that acts like a 7yr old a 2.9yr. old who acts like a 4yr old and a 7mo. old who acts like a 1+yr old and when i just look at them all playing together and i see the strangness in their behavoirs and most of the time i dont feel happy or excited or proud that they are smart I feel extremely overwhelmed by them i am 23yrs old a young mother and this whole gifted thing scares the pants off me in a very short time iv not only learned about the kids giftedness but had to come to terms with the fact that i was gifted and never knew i just felt extremely out of place as a child and couldnt figure out why the other kids didnt care about the same things i did or didnt worry about the things i worried about or couldnt ever seem to see the simplest way of doing things i felt like people were always making things ten times harder then they needed to be....

part of me i think just wasnt perpared for my third child (my last baby) to grow up so quickly she is very much like a 1yr old and i keep thinking Where did my little baby go? ya know?

Posted By: dlktally Re: Babyhood level of giftedness?? - 06/27/09 11:54 AM
My daughter is 3 1/2 and my last one as I am an older mother and her siblings are 23 and 17 and I say the same thing to myself where did my baby go. She was never really a baby for long she was a grown up in a little persons body. I have to remind her father, grandparents, sibilings and myself often that she is just 3 1/2.
Posted By: keet Re: Babyhood level of giftedness?? - 06/27/09 08:26 PM
To the OP: It's very possible that all 3 of your children are gifted, but the giftedness will appear in different areas for each. If on is gifted verbally and another in math, you can't really say which is more gifted.
Posted By: Kriston Re: Babyhood level of giftedness?? - 06/28/09 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Faithhopelove19
its taken me a very long time to except my other two childrens giftedness i have finaly decided they probably are because i just cant ignore that when looking at them i see a 4yr old that acts like a 7yr old a 2.9yr. old who acts like a 4yr old and a 7mo. old who acts like a 1+yr old and when i just look at them all playing together and i see the strangness in their behavoirs and most of the time i dont feel happy or excited or proud that they are smart I feel extremely overwhelmed by them i am 23yrs old a young mother and this whole gifted thing scares the pants off me

If you ask me, these feelings are another pretty good sign that your kids are really GT.

From what I've seen, people who are scared or overwhelmed or freaked out about their children are almost always people who have GT kids, often HG+. People who brag about how GT their kids usually have bright-ND kids.

Totally unscientific and anecdotal, but it's what I've seen...
Posted By: TMJ Re: Babyhood level of giftedness?? - 07/05/09 05:01 PM
For those of us that only have young children, and no concrete *proof* of GT ability -with testing being unfeasible at this age, you're primarily left with unqualified observation/instinct by default - there are very few sources of useful information, other than sites like this.

I regularly follow this wonderful board not because I want to know if my children are GT (I guess I wouldn't be here if I didn't already think it), but to try and understand them better and to help make meaningful decisions regarding their future. This site also allows me to feel my family is 'normal', despite my intense children's far-from-typical behavior.

That being said, I would like to weigh-in on the early speech/gross motor skills topic. My two children are both physically advanced for their respective ages (DS3 is currently perfecting a sequential running/dribbling/hoop shot with the basketball, and DD18mos can now ride a two-wheel bike with training wheels. DD spoke 2+ word sentences from 6mos and is now at 5+ word sentences. She can sing both words and melody for more songs than I can count (not just nursery rhymes either). DS was a later talker (around 2yrs) but now speaks in paragraphs with advanced vocabulary. These particular facts alone however, are not the reason that I believe my children are GT (although they are probably the biggest conversation starter's with strangers!). It's what DD and DS are talking about or trying to do, that is more telling, IMHO. The other key factor here is that across the board, the gap between their abilities and normal development milestones widens almost daily. I guess in relation to my two, I feel this is something like the 'all children even out in reading by 3rd grade'... It'll be interesting to know if what we have seen in these younger years correlates down the track. Maybe that's what you're wondering too, Faithhopelove19?

Posted By: Faithhopelove19 Re: Babyhood level of giftedness?? - 07/05/09 09:13 PM
lol yes i suppose that was the reason for the question... really just wondering if it correlates with what they do later...

as far as my other two i am often uncertain but you are right it is not just their earlyness that makes me think they could be gifted its just one of those things where you would have to know them to understand.....and because no one knows them as well as i do (im a SAHM) its often hard to explain short of giving a list of what they can do which while its an impressive list its not why i think gifted its part of it but not all of it
Posted By: Floridama Re: Babyhood level of giftedness?? - 07/06/09 05:20 PM
In hindsight... the thing that was most telling for us, was our DD7's intense curiosity.
All kids are full of questions but, most kids only require a short answer to satisfy their curiosity.
Our DD's questions only get deeper with answers, and it can take weeks for her curiosity to move to a new subject.
I notice the same trend with my DS who just turned 3

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