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Posted By: flower SAT test scores and DYS - 03/20/12 12:08 AM
Last year DD missed DYS scores on the SAT by twenty points. This year she would need to increase her score 60 points to be eligible from last years score. Anyone have any idea if this is doable?
Posted By: intparent Re: SAT test scores and DYS - 03/20/12 12:55 AM
Not sure how old your D is... but from 7th grade to 8th grade my D gained 100 points on the critical reading section of the SAT with no preparation. I assume they covered what she needed in school, and she likes to read. She also gained something like 60 points on the math, but she did a small amount (2 hours?) of prep for that. So it is definitely possible, even without a lot of prep, depending on her age and what they are learning in school that year.
Posted By: Bostonian Re: SAT test scores and DYS - 03/20/12 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by flower
Last year DD missed DYS scores on the SAT by twenty points. This year she would need to increase her score 60 points to be eligible from last years score. Anyone have any idea if this is doable?

In a College Confidential thread the average score gain from 7th grade to 11th grade on math+verbal was about 400 points, or 100 points a year. Therefore an improvement of 60 points in a year for a student seems quite possible.
Posted By: JonLaw Re: SAT test scores and DYS - 03/20/12 01:06 AM
As I recall, my scores increased 80 points in a year with no prep effort on my part, mostly just learning more math, so this sounds quite doable.
Posted By: CalvinsDad Re: SAT test scores and DYS - 05/20/12 08:48 PM
FYI, I posted this in another thread for reference purposes:

Here are DS13 ACT scores for reference. He's a math/science kid who reads a lot.

June 2011 - 12 years old - 6th grade - no test prep except 1 practice test to familiarize with him with format and length of test

E - 22
M -21
R - 25
S - 22
C - 23

April 2012 - 13 years old - 7th grade - no test prep other than watching some of the Khan Academy SAT math review videos.

E - 24
M - 26
R - 28
S - 30
C - 27
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