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Posted By: bgbarnes Tested yesterday....Now we wait..ugh! - 03/16/12 11:54 AM
I finally had ds9 tested yesterday- she said it will take a week to get the results. I am hoping he qualifies for DYS have no idea where he will score. She did say a few things that make me think he did well.
Things she said that have me encouraged:
1) when I said I just want to keep him challenged in school- she said- that is probably going to be difficult until he gets older- I bet the gifted program is not doing much for him either.
2) you have a really bright boy- he did very well-quite the vocabulary he has on him
3) When I mentioned now that he is healthier he seems to be taking off again, my ds said but I still need to get rid of the OCD- she said she did not see any of it but let me know it is not uncommon with kids like this...( ds told me later he waited to do it when her back was turned- he is so good at hiding it )
4) ds said on the blocks he missed 2 then got the last one- which she told him was according to research the most difficult.
I think I am going to drive myself crazy until I get the results.... I head to China next week for 2 weeks, which is probably a good thing to distract me. I also asked her to look to see if dysgraphia is a possibility-so I am just so curious!!!!!
I guess patience is not my strength!
Posted By: triplejmom Re: Tested yesterday....Now we wait..ugh! - 03/16/12 12:20 PM
Sounds like it went great! I'd have gone mad waiting a week to get results...I had a hard enough time waiting until the next day for the post conference haha.
Hope the week passes quickly for you.
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