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Posted By: Giftodd Is there such a thing as ability testing? - 02/06/12 11:04 PM
OK... so I feel this is something I should already know... but I don't (achievement and testing beyond IQ don't seem to be used as often here in OZ as they are in the states and so I haven't looked in to them much)

As I have mentioned before dd is awesomely effective at hiding her abilities at school and as such they feel they have done enough with a single grade skip. At home dd works significantly above her current grade and her IQ testing is in line with this. I don't want her grade skipped again at this point, but I do want some further extension. I know there is achievement testing, but my concern with achievement testing is that dd hasn't necessarily been exposed to the material (we don't follow any particular path at home, just whatever dd is interested in). I assume that would be an issue if what I am wanting to show is what she is capable of learning and not what she already knows?

Or in effect is that what an IQ test is meant to do?

Dd's school is familiar with the WPPSI and WISC tests, but not the SBV which dd was tested with and so they seem inclined not to trust the results. We plan to have her re-tested later this year and I though we might get further testing done too if such ability testing exists. Any recommendations? I'm just getting concerned that the school is inadvertently feeding dd's perfectionism by accepting what they see.

Thanks and apologies for my ignorance!
As far as I know, "ability" testing pretty much entails what you've already got: an IQ test. If the school has some issue with the specific IQ test she took, the WISC should be a reasonable alternative. I can't think of any other test you could have her take that would show what she is capable of learning and not just what she has already learned.

You might want to check with the school, though, to see what they need to see in order to offer her more at school. You don't want to put out money for more IQ testing if they won't do anything more if the results are similarly high to her last scores.
Thanks Cricket, much appreciated smile
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